Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Training Plan

Training Plans

Not ready to work directly with a coach or need as much accountability that coaching offers?

Not ready or want the expense of having a custom plan developed for you?

Maybe you are an athlete that just wants to become faster and stronger and finish. Placing in your age group is not a goal. If you are wanting an 8-16 week base plan or 8-12 week build, taper and peak plan I can do that for you.

You might find the following budget friendly training plans to be a good fit for your training goals.

The training plans utilize a common sense approach that of all levels can use to improve upon their strengths and weaknesses. So if you want to get fitter, stronger, faster these new and updated training plans are semi costumed. I have a basic template that I use and will adjust according to your weekly schedule. For example if you swim masters M/W and Saturday then I will make that adjustment to the plan. If you run with a group on Sundays then I will add that run to your plan.

Your prepay for the entire plan and I upload it onto your basic training peaks account in 8-16 weeks depending on how long you want the plan to be. You make adjustments to this training plan. I send you a monthly feedback form to make adjustments once each month.

Refer to here for prices.

If you are someone that wants daily, weekly, more accountability then refer to this link for more information about Coaching.


  1. Thanks for sharing all clinches in one move, these are some best training plans.Coaching Feedback Form

  2. Thanks, I like your feedback from. I have one myself I send the athletes I coach each month
