Friday, December 28, 2012

Tips to stay motivated for the second half of the year

We are half way into 2013. How are you doing with your New Year's Fitness and  nutrition resolutions?  What is one thing you want to change over the next 6 months to reach your goal . Or maybe you need to create more goals for 2013?

Below is a few tips to keep you motivated.

1. Make sure your exercise plan has a purpose (i.e., to run a 5k, train for a triathlon or hike an 8,000-foot peak). Once you have a detailed training plan to follow you'll be much more likely to follow through with a regular routine, and your fitness will improve much more rapidly. Need help creating a plan, just ask.

2. Verbalize your goals Telling friends, family and coworkers about your goal to follow through on a plan of action will hold you accountable to it.

3. Keep a training log. Either in a notebook, in your Iphone or computer, record your activity for the day as well as how you felt while doing it, how much sleep you had the night before, what you ate prior, etc. It will also help you to feel like you've really accomplished something that day

4. Make an monetary investment. Hire a coach or trainer, consult with a Registered Dietitian, mix it up, create muscle confusion and try out a BeachBody program, T25 is the newest Shaun T program.  Investing money in your health keeps you accountable.

5. Involve family members. Schedule time for your workout with your spouse, kids and or friends. Having others to train and exercise with will not only help hold you accountable to your plan, it will make following the plan much more fun.

6. Schedule your workouts as YOUR time. Stress relief time. Time away from co workers and kids.

7. Commit to learning.  Learn about metabolim, nutrition, read food labels and make healthy choices. Send me an email with your questions

8. Reward yourself! While fitness is a huge reward in itself, there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself an added incentive for finishing a program. A new pair article of clothing, a weekend away. You choose, it is YOUR reward

Have you heard about the
 Beachbody Challenge. View this video to learn more. The transformation stories are incredible. Who wants to join my BeachBody support groups for on facebook? Send me a message and I will send you more details.

Finish what you started and reach those 2013 Fitness and Nutrition Goals!

Coach Wendy
GOTRIbal Expert Coach
Rocky Mountain High School Swim Coach
CSU Triathlon Team Coach
NoCo High School Tri Team Coach
Pelican Fest Tri Race Director
Team Timex/Newton/Powerbar athlete

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