Sunday, March 10, 2013

Day 9 of my Birth Month = My Birthday Triathlon

I always tell others they should celebrate their birth month, not just there birthday. When Carla Thompson posted on March 1st, the first day of her birth month and was celebrating for 31 days, I decided since this was a monumental year, turning 40, that I would celebrate with her, for 31 days.

The first few days were uneventful, just posted a random thing that happened each day and chatted with others about doing something EPIC, training wise, on March 9th.

I made my annual hair cut appointment, 6 months early, on Friday March 8th. Tina cut about 4 inches and gave it some flair! Last time I curled my hair was for a singles auction in 2005.

I always like to plan an Epic training day on my Birthday. Last year I road 39 miles, ran 39 (39 second) hill repeats in Edora Park and swam 39X50s with my masters swim group. I always read other, mainly Ultra runner blogs, about how they run their year in miles on their Birthday. Begin the endurance junkie, triathlete, now 3rd year Ultra runner, last month, I decided I wanted to run 40 miles on my Birthday. I mentioned to my BFF Kirsten that I would maybe add a 40 mile ride and 40X100 meter swim.

Plan A was to start at my house, run to the top of Horsetooth Rock, then down though Lory State Park, over the dams of Centennial road then home. That would require my Nathan Pack with changing gear and plenty of water and nutrition. Plan B was to complete my miles on the Stepmill and Treadmill at the Fort Collins Club.

All week the weather forecast for an EPIC snowfall starting at 2am Saturday morning. Friday night I mentally was ready to implement plan B. I woke up to wet conditions, no snow. The temps were falling and the wind was picking up so I decided to stick to plan B and headed to the Fort Collins Club with my tablet, Iphone, energy bars, coconut water and headphones.

I started on the Stepmill which I enjoy. I started training on the stepmill 2-3 days week during the winter months. My team Timex Ultra Runner friend Merideth mentioned running stairs as part of my Ultra Training so I feel good, for now, about the benefits of Stepmill training. While stepping I enjoy reading and posting on facebook and cleaning out my inbox.

Stepping at 90-95 steps/minute (a good running cadence and very aerobic intensity for me) the 2 ish hours went by fast. I was thanking my Facebook friends  for the Birthday wishes and reading fitness and nutrition articles. Catching up with the news (I do not have TV at home) 16 miles done, time to take a bathroom brake, eat a bar, drink some coconut water. If you are interested heat acclimatization  get on the mill cause you will fill buckets with sweat.

The next 8 miles were completed on the treadmill.  The feeling in my legs running after stepping is very much like the feeling my legs have off the bike. It took my legs about 15 minutes to get into my stride. I  bumped up the pace to 8 minute miles.  Legs felt strong. I wanted to keep running but since the FCC was busy I needed to let others use the treadmill. Time for more water and back on to the Stepmill.

I took out my tablet while I stepped another for 8 miles. Now I started to get hungry so took a nutrition break for 10 minutes and ate a few handfuls of grapes and another bar before hopping back on the treadmill for another 6 miles, saving my final 2 miles of running with my dogs.

This entire time I was stepping and running I was debating whether or not I wanted to swim or go home and ride my trainer. I decided since I was at the club and needed to shower, then swimming for an hour would be  best. I jumped in and swam 40X100 meters nice and easy on the 1:40. While swimming I decided after I ran my dogs 2 miles I would nap instead of riding. Since it is my Birth month celebration, I would save my 40 mile bike ride till Sunday.  My triathlons, step/run, swim, nap

Now that I am officially 40, these next 22 days of birth month celebration will include a workout involving the number 40!

Birthday Dinner included La Crema Pinor Noir, Ginger, Coconut Tofu/Sweet Potato Curry, recipe here plus Coconut Cake from Zadie's Deli in Cherry Creek


  1. Love this!! I had never thought about doing something like this. My birthday is this summer, have to come up with some EPIC!! Nice blog, Wendy!

  2. Thank you. You will do something you love on your birthday!

  3. Now that's a way to celebrate!! Happy Birthday and congrats on a great day :) Enjoy your month
