Sunday, August 14, 2011

Measuring Results

I’ve had a lot of folks ask me why it takes so long to see results on the scale after they’ve started an exercise program. They also ask how to stay motivated if they can’t see results? Be patient, set some benchmarks and make sure you are measuring body composition and not just scale weight.

Most people believe that as soon as they start exercising, they will lose weight. Unfortunately, this is not always the case. Two things can happen that can cause the scale not to budge. Gaining muscle mass or overcompensating your exercise by eating too many calories.

So how do you distinguish between a gain in muscle or fat? You can either get a skin fold caliper test or be weighed underwater. Most personal trainers should be able to perform a skin fold caliper test. Some health clubs offer underwater weighing for a small fee or if you have a performance training facility in your area get tested there.

To stay motivated instead of focusing on your weight and body composition, start focusing on improvements in your fitness. If you are now to fitness training I recommend doing a cardio respiratory test such as the 3-minute step test, 12 minute run, 1 mile walk or test. Or depending on your sport, you can set your own benchmarks. These tests are easy enough to repeat regularly. You should see improvement in as little as six weeks, especially at the beginning of your exercise program. For people who have been training, you should measure your progress about once every 12 weeks.

When I am training/racing at my best I am regularly performing a run (5k) and bike test (30 minute time trail). One of the reasons I kept getting stronger is that I have regular benchmarks against which to measure my improvement. In fact, the act of measuring alone can help you stay on task. You have to know where you are to guide you to where you want to go.

Another motivation to maintain or continue to increase your fitness is for your health. Changes such as an improvement in blood pressure, your resting heart rate, cholesterol and blood lipid profile are all beneficial and typically are followed by increases in lean mass and decreasing your body fat. Remember, for those getting started, exercise doesn’t have to be hard or at a high intensity to improve your health. For those looking to improve, measured intensity will help you see results quickly.

No matter what, keep moving.

Wendy Mader, MS, USAT Coach. Owner of Wendy is the head Coach of Rocky Mountain High School Swim, CSU Triathlon Team, NoCo High School Tri Team and her own Adult Team Trifecta. To find out more send me an email

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