We are half way into 2013. How are you doing with your New Year's Fitness and nutrition resolutions? What is one thing you want to change over the next 6 months to reach your goal . Or maybe you need to create more goals for 2013?
Below is a few tips to keep you motivated.
1. Make sure your exercise plan has a purpose (i.e., to run a 5k, train for a triathlon or hike an 8,000-foot peak). Once you have a detailed training plan to follow you'll be much more likely to follow through with a regular routine, and your fitness will improve much more rapidly. Need help creating a plan, just ask.
2. Verbalize your goals Telling friends, family and coworkers about your goal to follow through on a plan of action will hold you accountable to it.
3. Keep a training log. Either in a notebook, in your Iphone or computer, record your activity for the day as well as how you felt while doing it, how much sleep you had the night before, what you ate prior, etc. It will also help you to feel like you've really accomplished something that day
4. Make an monetary investment. Hire a coach or trainer, consult with a Registered Dietitian, mix it up, create muscle confusion and try out a BeachBody program, T25 is the newest Shaun T program. Investing money in your health keeps you accountable.
5. Involve family members. Schedule time for your workout with your spouse, kids and or friends. Having others to train and exercise with will not only help hold you accountable to your plan, it will make following the plan much more fun.
6. Schedule your workouts as YOUR time. Stress relief time. Time away from co workers and kids.
7. Commit to learning. Learn about metabolim, nutrition, read food labels and make healthy choices. Send me an email with your questions
8. Reward yourself! While fitness is a huge reward in itself, there’s nothing wrong with giving yourself an added incentive for finishing a program. A new pair article of clothing, a weekend away. You choose, it is YOUR reward
Have you heard about the Beachbody Challenge. View this video to learn more. The transformation stories are incredible. Who wants to join my BeachBody support groups for on facebook? Send me a message and I will send you more details.
Finish what you started and reach those 2013 Fitness and Nutrition Goals!
Coach Wendy
GOTRIbal Expert Coach
Rocky Mountain High School Swim Coach
CSU Triathlon Team Coach
NoCo High School Tri Team Coach
Pelican Fest Tri Race Director
Team Timex/Newton/Powerbar athlete
Friday, December 28, 2012
t2coaching Indoor Triathlon Series at the Fort Collins Club
The 7 annual t2coaching indoor triathlon series at the Fort Collins Club continues to grow and attracts kids age 9 as well as adults age 65. The 15 minute swim, 15 minute bike, 15 minute run around the track or treadmill offers newbies as well as the elite athlete the chance to test their skills in a non noncompetitive environment.
The next t2coaching Indoor Triathlon is January 27th, March 3rd and April 28th. Thank you Timex and Powerbar for providing prizes for the participants.
Colorado Marathon, Half Marathon 10k Training Program

t2coaching has partnered up with the City of Fort Collins Wellness Department to offer the 3rd annual Colorado Marathon, Half Marathon, 10k and 5k program. You do not have to be entered in either race to participate in the coached group workouts and receive a training plan. If you do plan on racing sign up now before it fills. We will meet every Wednesday night at the CSU Track 5:30 pm starting January 16th. The group will also get together on the weekends at various locations for a "long" run which progressively gets longer each week.
Each participant will receive:
- a training peaks account with a training schedule that details each workout
- email access to me
- weekly training tips and news
- timex hat and powerbar water bottle
- registrater via paypal here
Sunday, December 23, 2012
A $25 BeachBody gift certificate
11% off any t2coaching program
(coaching, training plans, consultation, swim lesson, running program, beachbody program, shakeology)
(coaching, training plans, consultation, swim lesson, running program, beachbody program, shakeology)
A $50 gift card when you order Beachbody Ultimate Reset.
8 days of masters swim Monday and Friday, noon to 1pm.
30 minute private swim session for only $7.00.
Indoor Triathlon race entry for $6.00. .
Purchase a gift certificate from t2coaching and I will add
$5 to $25, $15 to $50 or $25 to $100 to the gift card.
$40 off when you sign up for 4 months savings and join
t2coaching masters in 2013
50% off the Colorado Marathon half marathon, 10k, 5k group running program.
Any one of the 11 days of Christmas
now though December 31
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Core for the athlete
While the appearance of lean abs is appealing to the eye, for an endurance athletes the strength and functionality of the core is more important.
A strong core allows all the major joints, such as hips, knees, and shoulders, to load and work in harmony, and as a result, you will become a more powerful athlete.
The "core" means everything in the center of your body -- such as the abdominals, oblique's, hips, shoulder blades and the lower back. You can strengthen each muscle group separately, but ultimately, the best and most functional way to strengthen your core is to do exercises that work everything in unity.
Single and multisport training creates many imbalances in your body, and during your training, swimming, biking and running, always be aware of your posture so you will not add more imbalances. Even when standing around, pull your shoulder blades back and down, keep your abs contracted and maintain a posture so you can draw a straight line from ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and ears. Even when sitting, your ears, shoulders and hips should be in alignment.
It is the racing season. If you only have time for one core exercise during your busy training schedule to maintain core strength one of the best exercises to strengthen your core is the plank.
Basic Plank: To perform the basic plank, get down on the ground on your hands and feet. Align your shoulders over your hands and spread your fingers wide, pointing forward. Keep your arms symmetrical and straight. Maintain your body straight like a plank, with the hips one inch above the line linking your feet and shoulders. Engage your abdominals at all times and breathe deeply. Hold this position for one minute, and over time, increase the interval until you can do two minutes without rest. That is a sign of strong core!
As you get tired, the hips want to sink lower and you have to stop them so you don't put excessive pressure on your lower back. If your body starts shaking, continue breathing and try to relax. Relaxing while your muscles are under tension is a good practice for your sport. It is possible that you will feel gentle discomfort in one or both of your wrists, which shows developing imbalances or weakness. If the discomfort feels more as pain, you may perform the plank on your elbows instead.
Plank with Opposite Arm and Leg Lift: When the simple plank is not challenging anymore, you can add difficulty by simultaneously lifting one arm and the opposite leg off the ground.Get your balance first, breathe in and lift your both limbs up, parallel with the ground. Keep them straight and try to elongate your body as much as possible. Hold the top position for two seconds. If you lose your balance temporarily, try to regain it before you switch sides in a controlled manner. Repeat this movement slowly 20 times. The plank with the leg and arm lifts is much harder than it sounds. It is an excellent strengthener of your core, shoulders and hips. Additionally, it improves your balance, coordination, and patience -- important elements for your race. View a video here
Perform your planks regularly as part of your year round conditioning and injury prevention program.
TRX created a great Functional Core Workout view here
If you have questions please contact me any time.
Wendy Mader
BeachBody http://www.getfit-getstrong-getfast-getwendy.com
GOTRIbal http://www.GOTRIbalnow.com
Rocky Mountain High School Swim Coach
NoCo High School Tri Team Coach
Pelican Fest Tri Race Director
Team Timex/Newton/Powerbar athlete
Colorado Women of Influence
Friday, November 23, 2012
Challenge Creates Change
I’m here to teach you and help you learn how to change your habits, so that you can meet your fitness and nutrition goals.
Do you know any kind of change needs a challenge. The smaller the challenge, the smaller the change. When we think small, it’s one dimensional. As a coach, I teach my clients to think in three realms. Body, Mind and Emotions. You need to believe you can do something and you will. You need to push safely beyond the pain and the body compensates to adapt. You need to dig deep into your emotions and cut the BS and find out what the hell you want from life. It’s your life, DON’T WASTE IT AWAY. Sure, there’s plenty of time, tomorrow.. right? Tomorrow is another day down the drain, when you don’t act on your thoughts and intentions. Tomorrow is another excuse.
Challenge Yourself Now… You want to be healthy, you want to increase your fitness, you want to compete in a sport? You are gonna need to work for it. Just like money, friendship, love...you need to work for it. You get out, what you put in. It may not be easy, it will be easy, when you’ve made it a habit which has become part of you. You live it, breath it and it comes naturally because after many years, these things integrate with your time and space, thoughts and actions.
Working out, building muscle, getting leaner, following your nutrition plan, that is gonna be all new or somewhat new to those other things like career, love, friendship. Do you give up easily on those things? No. When you challenge yourself, you break away from what you were, the outcome changes. Things will change. So, challenge yourself to go in the direction and lead with your body, mind and emotions.

Have you made any changes in your food choices that have led to healthier eating? What tricks do you have to substitute unhealthy foods for healthy foods?
What is your Holiday Fitness and Nutrition Goal before the new year?
Contact Wendy Mader, Health, Wellness and Sport Coach to discuss your challenges and goals.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Cyber Monday sales End at Midnight November 26th
| |||
Offer #1: P90X + 3 Shakeology sample packets for just $99 (a $38 savings!)
Offer #2: TurboFire for just $53 (a $67 savings!)
Offer #3: 10-Minute Trainer for just $59.90 (a $20 savings!)
Offer #4: Power 90 for just $44.90 (a $15 savings!)
Offer #5: Hip Hop Abs for just $24.95 (a $35 savings!)
Offer #6: Body Gospel for just $24.95 (a $55 savings!)
Offer #7: Beachbody Squishy Ball for just $3.95 (a $9 savings!)
Black Friday Deal - 20% Off All Trainers (Rip, HOME, PRO & Force) + Free Shipping
Order home direct and receive a $25 Beachbody gift.
Thursday, November 8, 2012
No bake VEGAN Chocolate Shakeology COOKIES
I love am not a fan of chocolate unless it is mixed with peanut butter. One of these delicious chocolate and nut butter cookies will satisfy your sweet tooth without wrecking your diet. Find out how Shakeology can help you reach your nutrition and fitness goals by watching this video.
Total Time: 10 min.
Prep Time: 10 min.
Yield: 25 cookies
• 1 cup natural peanut butter or almond butter
• 1 cup quick cooking oats
• ½ cup honey
• 1 cup Vegan Chocolate Shakeology
1. Combine peanut butter, honey, oats and Shakeology in medium bowl. Mix well.
2. Roll 24 balls, each the size of 1 tbsp.
3. Flatten each slightly so takes on the shape of a traditional cookie.
Nutritional Information (per serving):
Calories: 115
Fat: 6g
Saturated Fat: 1g
Cholesterol: 2mg
Sodium: 39mg
Carbohydrate: 15g
Fiber: 1g
Sugar: 7g
Protein: 5g
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Set Some Goals not Resolutions this Holiday Season
Don't fall victim over the holidays and lose focus on your nutrition and fitness program.
Set some goals NOW, not resolutions after the New Year, that will motivate you to maintain activity and healthy eating this season.
There are many benefits to setting goals. Goals direct your focus and attention. They help you remain persistent in the face of adversity. They increase your self-confidence and help you develop problem-solving strategies. They help you train smarter and harder. The bottom line is that when you set effective goals, they keep you motivated to make better food choices then you would if you did not have goals. Think about it, you, the athlete, create clear, simple and targeted daily training goals when you are preparing for your annual event. You know want to accomplish with each workout. You know how your training goals connect to your long-term performance goals. This is the same concept when it comes to nutrition and fitness. It can be difficult when your time to exercise is now eaten by holiday parties and celebrations. That is no excuse to pack on the pounds, if your goal is to maintain.
Most of us take a break from the daily training grind and are stuck in the mindset to start our our nutrition and fitness in January, the New Year. Perhaps you have not completed your 2012 fitness resolutions and or are already committed to a 2013 New Year’s resolution.
Why wait, commit to get FIT now!
Instead of resolutions, set goals. Dedicate this time and make an effort toward setting and evaluating your goals and think of what you could accomplish. If you need help send me a message.
Here are some tips to help you with goal setting.
1. Set specific, but challenging goals.
If your goals are detailed and measurable, they are more likely to improve your health, fitness and performance and keeps your motivation high
2. Set multiple goals.
An ideal number is three. More gives you too much to focus on, but only one can put too much pressure on you. Have you ever focused on one event, such as qualifying for the Boston Marathon, for example, and feel too much pressure before and during the competition?
3. Write it down and express your goal.
People are more successful if they write down their goals and keep a log of their daily nutrition and workouts.
4. Frame your goals positively instead of negatively.
Rather than saying what you don’t want to do, write what you do want. Changing “I will avoid eating sweets” to “I will add more fruits and veggies, 5 a day, in my daily nutrition plan with a weekly piece of cake” has a dramatic impact on our focus and motivation. It allows you to think about the cake you can enjoy, not cake you can’t have. Plus you fill up on your 5 a day you make not want that cake at the end of the week
5. Plan out what you are going to do weekly or daily.
This is incredibly important and a step that most people miss. We tend to think about our goals, but don’t write a plan that includes short-term daily or weekly goals. Someone who is trying to lose a certain amount of weight this year should break that total into smaller monthly goals.
6. Include a plan to adjust your goals.
Be flexible when life gets in the way. You may get injured or travel and eat out more then you want to so may have to readjust your goals.
7. Have an accountability partner or coach (ME)
I will help hold you accountable for your goals and support you in the process. I will keep you honest when the going gets tough. Join me on facebook to be included in my fitness support group.
Spend some time reflecting on what you want to accomplish today. Use this opportunity to reflect on what you accomplished last year and look toward the next. Then set goals instead of making resolutions. This increases your chance for success and keep you motivated and focused for the year to come.
Friend me on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/wendy.mader.7, and join my fitness accountability group.
Wendy Mader
Set some goals NOW, not resolutions after the New Year, that will motivate you to maintain activity and healthy eating this season.
There are many benefits to setting goals. Goals direct your focus and attention. They help you remain persistent in the face of adversity. They increase your self-confidence and help you develop problem-solving strategies. They help you train smarter and harder. The bottom line is that when you set effective goals, they keep you motivated to make better food choices then you would if you did not have goals. Think about it, you, the athlete, create clear, simple and targeted daily training goals when you are preparing for your annual event. You know want to accomplish with each workout. You know how your training goals connect to your long-term performance goals. This is the same concept when it comes to nutrition and fitness. It can be difficult when your time to exercise is now eaten by holiday parties and celebrations. That is no excuse to pack on the pounds, if your goal is to maintain.
Most of us take a break from the daily training grind and are stuck in the mindset to start our our nutrition and fitness in January, the New Year. Perhaps you have not completed your 2012 fitness resolutions and or are already committed to a 2013 New Year’s resolution.
Why wait, commit to get FIT now!
Instead of resolutions, set goals. Dedicate this time and make an effort toward setting and evaluating your goals and think of what you could accomplish. If you need help send me a message.
Here are some tips to help you with goal setting.
1. Set specific, but challenging goals.
If your goals are detailed and measurable, they are more likely to improve your health, fitness and performance and keeps your motivation high
2. Set multiple goals.
An ideal number is three. More gives you too much to focus on, but only one can put too much pressure on you. Have you ever focused on one event, such as qualifying for the Boston Marathon, for example, and feel too much pressure before and during the competition?
3. Write it down and express your goal.
People are more successful if they write down their goals and keep a log of their daily nutrition and workouts.
4. Frame your goals positively instead of negatively.
Rather than saying what you don’t want to do, write what you do want. Changing “I will avoid eating sweets” to “I will add more fruits and veggies, 5 a day, in my daily nutrition plan with a weekly piece of cake” has a dramatic impact on our focus and motivation. It allows you to think about the cake you can enjoy, not cake you can’t have. Plus you fill up on your 5 a day you make not want that cake at the end of the week
5. Plan out what you are going to do weekly or daily.
This is incredibly important and a step that most people miss. We tend to think about our goals, but don’t write a plan that includes short-term daily or weekly goals. Someone who is trying to lose a certain amount of weight this year should break that total into smaller monthly goals.
6. Include a plan to adjust your goals.
Be flexible when life gets in the way. You may get injured or travel and eat out more then you want to so may have to readjust your goals.
7. Have an accountability partner or coach (ME)
I will help hold you accountable for your goals and support you in the process. I will keep you honest when the going gets tough. Join me on facebook to be included in my fitness support group.
Spend some time reflecting on what you want to accomplish today. Use this opportunity to reflect on what you accomplished last year and look toward the next. Then set goals instead of making resolutions. This increases your chance for success and keep you motivated and focused for the year to come.
Friend me on facebook, http://www.facebook.com/wendy.mader.7, and join my fitness accountability group.
Wendy Mader
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Get Started with your Ironman Experience
Watching the Hawaii Ironman World Championships broadcast on TV is
enough to motivate any triathlete to want to train and complete and Iron
Distance event. Although I did not watch the NBC broadcast, I was in
Kona the entire week before the Ironman. Being there live, coaching 3
athletes the months leading up to their day, watching and cheering was
enough to want to compete again.
Last year I wrote and article How to Choose Your First Ironman. Before you go sign up for an Ironman event keep in mind the following tips as you start to prepare your body and mind for the training.
Get Started: Motivation
Preparing for an ironman is the first and most important step. During the many weeks of training, you need to develop motivation and an iron-will along with building stamina by mentally and physically. Building a positive mindset and visualize the goal every time you train and expressing your WHY, your reason for training for an Ironman event, will keep you motivated.
Get Started: The Right Gear
Run: Invest in a running gait analysis and purchase the right shoes to ensure that you’re comfortable during the long hours of running and help avoid injury.
Bike: While they are many similarities between bikes, they all fit different. You want to invest in a professional bike fit to the bike you plan to ride hundreds of miles on during your training preparation. Consult with a coach to decide if a tri or road bike is right for you and spend money on a bike fit.
Swim: TriSuit, wetsuit, tank and shorts? Shop around now for clothing as most of the popular brands go on sale this time of year and train in what you plan to compete it.
Extras to bling out your bike: Water bottle cages in front or on the back. A bento box to carry food on your top-tube, race wheels and more. All not necessary but will help create the experience.
Get Started Nutrition:
Experience in training what nutrition and hydration needs you will race with. I recommend learn and practice with what is offered on the course and seek out advice from a local dietician. It is really important to eat a well-balanced daily nutrition and drink sufficient water and sports drinks during your training to help enhance performance and recovery. The consumption of protein, carbohydrates and good fats is very important as your energy expenditure increases with training. As a rough breakdown, during training, your diet should consist of 65-70% carbohydrates, 10-15% proteins and 20-25% of unsaturated fats.
Get Started Training: Ironman training is demanding and breaking your training year into different phases makes is manageable. To minimize the risk of injury, new ironman distance athletes should give themselves at least 8 months to prepare for their first ironman.
Keep a log of your training progress. This will ensure you can see where you are now, and track where you want to go. Often you look back to see how far you have come which leads to increased motivation to get you to the finish. Listen to your body and rest more if you need it.
Get Started: Recovery and Prevention of Injury
Rest and recovery periods during your training are just as important as the training itself. This way your body gets a chance to recover, lessening the chances of injury and allowing it to grow stronger. You need to pay attention to how your body feels. If you feel pain or fatigue you should rest and not push yourself through the pain. It’s when you fail to read the signs your body is giving that injuries take place.
Get Started: Enjoy the journey
Finishing an ironman is an extremely rewarding experience and the satisfaction you will get is like nothing else. First timers should train properly and sensibly to avoid injury and get to the finish line. Focus on your diet, progressive training and following a structured training program. If you do that, you’ll be in great shape.
Wendy Mader is a 13 time Ironman Finisher, 2008 Ironman World Champion. View her website at www.t2coaching.com and contact her for more advice wendy@t2coaching.com
Last year I wrote and article How to Choose Your First Ironman. Before you go sign up for an Ironman event keep in mind the following tips as you start to prepare your body and mind for the training.
Get Started: Motivation
Preparing for an ironman is the first and most important step. During the many weeks of training, you need to develop motivation and an iron-will along with building stamina by mentally and physically. Building a positive mindset and visualize the goal every time you train and expressing your WHY, your reason for training for an Ironman event, will keep you motivated.
Get Started: The Right Gear
Run: Invest in a running gait analysis and purchase the right shoes to ensure that you’re comfortable during the long hours of running and help avoid injury.
Bike: While they are many similarities between bikes, they all fit different. You want to invest in a professional bike fit to the bike you plan to ride hundreds of miles on during your training preparation. Consult with a coach to decide if a tri or road bike is right for you and spend money on a bike fit.
Swim: TriSuit, wetsuit, tank and shorts? Shop around now for clothing as most of the popular brands go on sale this time of year and train in what you plan to compete it.
Extras to bling out your bike: Water bottle cages in front or on the back. A bento box to carry food on your top-tube, race wheels and more. All not necessary but will help create the experience.
Get Started Nutrition:
Experience in training what nutrition and hydration needs you will race with. I recommend learn and practice with what is offered on the course and seek out advice from a local dietician. It is really important to eat a well-balanced daily nutrition and drink sufficient water and sports drinks during your training to help enhance performance and recovery. The consumption of protein, carbohydrates and good fats is very important as your energy expenditure increases with training. As a rough breakdown, during training, your diet should consist of 65-70% carbohydrates, 10-15% proteins and 20-25% of unsaturated fats.
Get Started Training: Ironman training is demanding and breaking your training year into different phases makes is manageable. To minimize the risk of injury, new ironman distance athletes should give themselves at least 8 months to prepare for their first ironman.
- 8 weeks of technique based swim, bike and run workouts to increase your strength and economy in each of the three sports.
- 12 weeks to build your engine, aerobic base fitness
- 8 weeks to build your race specific intensity and preparation
- 4 week peak, taper, race
Keep a log of your training progress. This will ensure you can see where you are now, and track where you want to go. Often you look back to see how far you have come which leads to increased motivation to get you to the finish. Listen to your body and rest more if you need it.
Get Started: Recovery and Prevention of Injury
Rest and recovery periods during your training are just as important as the training itself. This way your body gets a chance to recover, lessening the chances of injury and allowing it to grow stronger. You need to pay attention to how your body feels. If you feel pain or fatigue you should rest and not push yourself through the pain. It’s when you fail to read the signs your body is giving that injuries take place.
Get Started: Enjoy the journey
Finishing an ironman is an extremely rewarding experience and the satisfaction you will get is like nothing else. First timers should train properly and sensibly to avoid injury and get to the finish line. Focus on your diet, progressive training and following a structured training program. If you do that, you’ll be in great shape.
Wendy Mader is a 13 time Ironman Finisher, 2008 Ironman World Champion. View her website at www.t2coaching.com and contact her for more advice wendy@t2coaching.com
Saturday, September 22, 2012
To Snack Or Not To Snack: What's A Girl To DO?
Submitted by Cindy Dallow Ph.D, RD, t2coaching RD
It’s 3:00 in the afternoon and you’re swamped with work, yet your mind keeps drifting off to the chocolate cake in the office refrigerator….or you’re lounging at home and all you can think about is the bag of M&M’s your kids brought home yesterday.
Snacking: the all-American past-time that every obesity expert likes to blame for the burgeoning waistlines we see in our country today. But is it really that bad to eat between meals?
Not if you’re a GOTRIbal gal! One of the perks of being an endurance athlete is that we get to eat more (and should eat more) than the average Josephine who sits on her duff all day. The key is to do it wisely so that you’re not drowning that fine-tuned body of yours with sugar, fat, and salt.
Here are three basic guidelines on healthy snacking:
Maximize nutrient density – This means getting the most bang for your buck in terms of actual nutrition. Look for snacks that are highest in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, such as fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean sources of protein. Avoid the processed and/or fast food items.
Sweet potatos, spinach, oatmeal, and tofu are just a few "nutrient dense" foods that have a high ratio of vitamins and minerals to calories.
Include all major macronutrients (protein, fat, and carbohydrate) – Fruits and veggies are high in nutrient density but they have little or no protein or fat (they are 100% carbohydrate). Thus, they should be part of a good snack but not the entire snack. Ditto for high-protein bars and shakes: they are almost void of carbs and are too high in protein. Aim for a snack with all three macronutrients. Examples include yogurt, fruit, and a whole grain bagel or cereal, milk, and a banana, or a whole grain tortilla with hummus and spinach salad.
Make it tasty and satisfying – Face it, apples and carrot sticks are not enough when you’re really hungry. And they’re not enough when you’re training for a big event either. They are nutrient-dense but again, they are not likely to fill you up. Protein and fat stay in the stomach much longer than carbohydrates do so they help fill you up and keep you from scroungin’ around in the refrigerator 15 minutes later. So go ahead and have a little chocolate or small amount of sugar, if that’s what tastes good to you, but have it as part of a healthy snack. Small amounts of sugar or chocolate are fine, if they help satisfy your sweet tooth. Examples include homemade chocolate chip cookies that are made with less sugar and fat and more whole wheat flour dunked in a glass of skim or 1% milk. Or a mixed veggie salad, whole grain roll, and small piece of dark chocolate. Get the picture?
By including some of the “no-no” foods with your snack, i.e., chocolate, you’re less likely to feel deprived and more likely to enjoy what you’re eating. And if you tell yourself “I’m not going to have any chocolate until my race is over with” you’re setting yourself up for failure (I mean really, why suffer needlessly?).
Life is short. Enjoy your snacks but enjoy being smart about it too!
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Replace one
meal a day with Vanilla, Chocolate, Greenberry, or Vegan Tropical Strawberry and Vegan Chocolate and to
increase your energy, reduce cravings, lose weight, improve digestion and
regularity, and transform your health.
Just replace one meal a day, say breakfast or lunch, with Shakeology to get all the health benefits you need.
Your going to get 30 meals for $120. That's $4 meal. Now think back over the last 2 days. How much did 2 meals AND that drink you probably cost you?
You can sign up as a customer and order Shakeology home direct to save on shipping or save more, $15 a month you can Become a COACH.
So just choose which option is best for you and lets get you started on the road to better health and a leaner you.
CLICK HERE to order
Your going to get 30 meals for $120. That's $4 meal. Now think back over the last 2 days. How much did 2 meals AND that drink you probably cost you?
You can sign up as a customer and order Shakeology home direct to save on shipping or save more, $15 a month you can Become a COACH.
So just choose which option is best for you and lets get you started on the road to better health and a leaner you.
CLICK HERE to order
Receive a $25 BeachBody gift card when you order auto ship Shakeology during the month of September.
Send me your address and sign up for a FREE Team BeachBody
account HERE and
I will mail you some samples
View this video and
contact t2coachwendy@teambeachbody.com for questions about how Shakeology can help
Calories Out (Activity) > Calories In (Nutrients)
It is pretty simple. If
you want to lose weight increase the amount you exercise along with lowering
your food intake. Keep it simple and follow a few rules, and you will be
successful at losing weight. There is NO magical diet out there to lose
weight. There is NO magical pill that will allow you to lose weight
If you want to lose weight and keep it off forever you need to change your thinking. Losing weight is about developing a strong desire to lose weight. It is about learning why you eat the way you do. It is about your overcoming weight loss obstacles. It is about getting rid of the excuses that are keeping you from starting the weight-loss process.
Below are a few things
that you can do to get yourself on the right track to change your thinking
so that your weight–loss will your life.
· Don’t diet; just
develop a thin mindset to have life long healthy eating habits.
· Create a solid
plan of action to achieve your weight-loss goals.
· Keep your
plan simple and follow it with persistence.
· Start out with a
reachable goal. Once you reach that goal, set a new goal.
· Don’t get
stressed out over losing weight. It may cause you to gain more weight gain.
· Make losing
weight positive, fun and interesting.
If portion control is a weight loss challenge for you, below are a few things that you can do to resolve this:
- Eat slower- set my fork down in-between bites.
- Chew my food longer, to slow myself down.
- Drink water before you eat, during and after you eat
- Use smaller plates
People who diet and
don’t exercise may lose weight at the beginning, but they often gain weight
with time, and they often lose muscle. To avoid getting fatter over time,
regular exercise with a solid nutrient dense nutrition plan is critical.
Increase your overall
daily activity besides just getting to the gym to workout which will increase
your energy expenditure and aid in weight loss. An example of this is to take
the stairs instead of the elevator, park away from the entrance to a store and
walk, or go for a walk after dinner. The idea is to move around instead of
sitting around.
Don't diet to loss
weight. Find a healthy meal plan, low in calories and full or nutrients. Avoid
processed foods made with white flour, avoid empty calories, foods and drinks,
that provide no nutritional value (soft drinks, alcohol, candy, chips,
crackers) and choose natural foods such as fruits and vegetables.
Research has shown that the people most successful in obtaining
their health and fitness goals do these three things:
1. Workout consistently (find a variety of activities you enjoy, I
can help)
2. Have an accountability group or partner (sign up for a FREE
account with me as your coach here and join my facebook support groups)
3. Eat breakfast (if you dont currently eat breakfast Shakeology is for you)
If you are looking for a simple but effective exercise check
out BeachBody's home
based fitness DVDS. They offer programs for all experienced and fitness

If you are looking for a simple but effective nutrition plan, add
5 fruits and 5 veggies a day, while decreasing processed foods (most things
that come in a box or made from while flour). Or check out the Ultimate Reset for
yummy, simple, single portion recipes.
For FREE fitness and nutrition support join my support facebook group Fall Harvest 5 a day or Fall Fitness Fanatics
If you want to
lose weight, remember that exercise and food intake are related. In other
words, if you exercise and don’t watch what and how much you eat, you won’t
lose weight.
Are YOU ready to
drop that extra fat and finally get healthy and fit?
My Beachbody Challenge can
help you do just that. Message me for more details!
All the above are weight loss ideas can help you to develop healthier habits so that you can live longer and healthier lives.
Friend me on facebook for more accountability.
Friend me on facebook for more accountability.
Have a great
Wendy Mader
Love you JOB, Become a Team BeachBody Coach
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