Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Are you struggling to lower your body-fat percentage?

People who diet and don’t exercise may lose weight at the beginning, but they often gain weight with time, and they often lose muscle.

People who exercise but dont watch what they eat tend to maintain, even gain weight, because they eat too much or processed food. They often feel they "earn" that amount of food they intake because of their training. To avoid getting fatter over time and to lose unwanted body fast regular exercise with a solid nutrient dense nutrition plan is critical.

If you are looking for a simple but effective nutrition plan, add 5 fruits and 5 veggies a day, while decreasing processed foods (most things that come in a box or made from while flour). Join my 5 a day support group on facebook to help motivate you to eat your 5 a day.

If you want to lose body fat, remember that exercise duration and intensity along with food intake are related. In other words, if you exercise and don’t watch what and how much you eat, you won’t lose excess body fat.
Are YOU ready to drop that extra fat?  My Beachbody Support Challenge can help you do just that. I start a new group of 5 each month. August 6th is the next one.  Message me for more details!


  1. Yep. It is simple to lose, maintain or gain weight. Unfortunately most folks lean towards gaining and dont know why
