Monday, December 26, 2011

Body Composition and Food Tracking

Do you track your food intake? Are you honest? Do you share with others on your blog or have a friend who is there for you?? Are you struggling with your nutrition intake, often times eating too much and or make unhealthy food choices? As a Health and Wellness coach I often have my clients track their food intake and then help them create a personalized meal plan.

December is the time of year when most of us slack in our eating choices. There are a million good reasons why that's so and only ONE reason that matters and that is, you have not made it a priority. Typically what you eat while training is different then what you eat during the holiday season. Your schedule tends to be much busier and we often feel crunched for time.

On way to get back on track with good nutrition choices is to commit to keeping a FOOD journal and track every calorie that goes into your mouth. Write out what you eat daily and how it makes you feel before and after you eat it. Initial you may hang your head in shame then over time your track record become better.

What does food tracking do?
~ It makes you face what you know, don't want to see, or admit.
~ It helps you see problem areas
~ It helps you see problem times and where these problems are associated with emotions or stress
~ It keeps you accountable
~ It keeps you honest
~ It helps you take aim and be the version of you, that you want to be.

I am not perfect! I love clean eating, sometimes I fall short, then I restart. Often I do well but have my breakdown. It's all GOOD. It's all a process. Writing down what I have been prone to eat lately has done all of this for me.

It is beneficial to get your your body fat and circumference measurements done as baseline, a starting place. Don't get hung up on the number just let patience and practice good habits. Often the scale may not tell you what you need to know, your body composition.

I offer FREE body composition measurements at the Fort Collins Club for members and non members. Mention this blog to receive $10 off your first consultation.

Contact me for more information.

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