Monday, December 26, 2011

Fitness and Nutrition Resolutions: something to ponder

Most things can be difficult before they are easy. Even if what is difficult is simply overcoming the roadblock in our head to START what we know we need to start, to JUMP in, to BE BRAVE, to DO. Often, after we are in the middle of that dreaded THING, we find that the THING itself is not as difficult as we imagined, but the process of getting there was.

Did you get caught up in the "difficult" time of year this holiday season with family, travel or gift purchasing stress? Maybe lack of sleep, excess food and alcohol slowly taking precedence over exercise and healthy habits.

It can be hard to balance but continuing to exercise through the Christmas & New Years period is great not only for your body but (perhaps more importantly) for your mind!

Each of us has, at some point in our life, set a New Years resolution.
Have you ever managed to make it stick & create a permanent change in your life?
Apparently 25% of people can't stick with a resolution for a week, let alone a whole year.

Where do you want to be in 3 months, 6 months 12 months & beyond?
What will it take for you to get there?
What resources will you need (education, mentoring, tools, commitment) to take action?

Following through...what's the plan?
What are you committed to doing each day until you get the result you are looking for?
Who are you accountable to, friends, family, co-workers?

What actions will you be taking today in order to get and keep you on a path that will take you to where you are truly joyous and excited to start each day and proud at its completion?

Just a few points to ponder as you tick into the New Year.

Did you set Specific goals?
How do you plan to Measure them?
Are they Attainable and Realistic goals?
When do you want to achieve them. set a Timeframe?

I often talk to people who set realistic and achievable goals but don't have the necessary support structures around them to help them stick with their goals, especially when times get tough.

I am here to help with accountability.

When I became a Team Beachbody Coach 12 months ago, it was my primary objective to help people reach whatever health and fitness goals they may have for themselves (not just triathlon). I have realized from my past experiences and challenge groups that the people who have reach their goals were the ones who were 100% committed. I am here today to commit to you and help you reach your goals if... you are ready to commit to me. I'm starting a Challenge on January 9, 2013 for those who are READY for a change.

Research has shown that the people most successful in obtaining their health and fitness goals do these three things:

1. Workout most days of the week at home or in the gym
2. Have an accountability group or partner
3. Eat breakfast

I will be creating a Challenge Group for those that are committed. I will be giving you personal time on a daily basis so I have to know that you are as committed to your success as I am committed to you.

Here's how our Challenge Group will work.

1) You must choose a Beachbody program for your workout.

2) You must be on Shakeology HD and drink your Shakeology at least once a day. Trust me when I say this; it is an imperative part of this process. It will provide your body with the fuel that it will need to get through these workouts. You will replace one meal a day (preferably breakfast, see #3 above) with a shake. It will reduce your cravings, give you energy, and help you lose body fat...GUARANTEED! Literally! If you don’t see results in 30 days you can get your money back!

3) You will participate daily in our private Facebook page, letting the group know how your workout was for the day, how your nutrition is, and just how you are feeling. I will be on the page as well to help encourage, motivate and answer questions you might have.

4) You must take your before photos, measurement and weight. We will take these stats every 30/60/90 days. This is an integral part of the process. As you go along, sometimes you have to be reminded how far you've come to keep going forward.

Beachbody offers "Challenge Packs" at a nicely discounted rate. They include the fitness program of your choice, Shakeology and a Club Membership!!! Plus, you will also get FREE SHIPPING!!

My commitment to you for this 90 Day Challenge:

I will make myself available via email and facebook
1 will interact with you daily on Facebook to help keep you going on your journey, answering questions, giving encouragement, or giving a kick in the pants (lol). If I don't see you check in on FB on any given day, I will text you to see what's up. :)

Once a week I will text you to see how you are doing and what issues you may be having.

PLUS!! Anyone who orders a Challenge Pack AND completes the FULL 90 day Challenge will get a $100 BeachBody gift card.

I am excited about the goals that we can reach together. I am living my passion helping others live healthy, fulfilling lives. To me, that's the most INCREDIBLY fulfilling experience, and I hope you will allow me to come on this journey with you!

For more information about BeachBody and to order your challenge pace click here and send me an commitment email

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