Thursday, December 29, 2011

Racing on a Budget

Each year, many endurance newbies discover just how cool the tri world is – and how expensive it can be. Between the basic gear (running shoes, a bike, helmet, swimsuit, cap, goggles), without all the bells and whistles (road bike, tri bike, aerobars, aero helmet, wetsuit, and race wheels, to name a few) plus race registrations (generally around $150-$650 vs. $50-$90 for running event) even folks like me who have been doing this for 20 years are opting out of some triathlons for running events to save some money.

As with all tough budget decisions, you should evaluate and answer the "want" vs. "need" question. I've found there are very few "needs" in the tri world, but a whole lot of wants. I also see people spending lots of money to buy themselves speed and weight savings. In some classes of athletes, or for those with the money to burn, this can be justified; but for the average mid- to back-of-the-pack crowd, "investing" time and effort in training, rather than buying the latest, greatest gear can produce results you can be proud of.

There is no shortage of ways to spend money, but there are always alternatives that are good enough or that will work to get you through. This applies to all areas, from equipment to nutrition. Personally, I like to keep it simple and basic and I've saved a lot of money and still manage perform at a level I am very happy with.

I suggest examining your gear budget before your race fee and nutrition budget. Between wetsuits, bikes, trainers, heart rate monitors, and all the other stuff you can easily get caught up in the early-adopter/gadget-obsession frenzy and spend a fortune outside of race fees. To save on gear, look for used gear on eBay, Craigslist, and Slowtwitch. Along with off-season specials at your local tri store.

Gear budget:
• When choosing road or tri bike, if you can’t afford both, road is more versatile. No matter what people tell you, you don't need a bike with a five-figure price tag.
• When looking at a less-expensive aluminum bike vs. a more-expensive carbon bike, both are light, and fit is more important, not the cost of the bike.
• If you really want race wheels, borrow or rent them instead of purchasing them.
• Choose a race with a pool swim over an open water swim if you don’t want to rent or buy a wetsuit.
• Choose a warm-water open water swim vs. a cold-water swim to save on wetsuit rental/purchase.
• Running shoe fit is most important, not the brand of shoe. Remember, pros are sponsored and don’t pay for their shoes, so you don’t need to choose your shoe based on what the pros are wearing.
• Don't buy specialized clothing you don't actually need. For things you do need, look to Target or other stores for options that will be "good enough" to do the job.
• If you join a tri club, they may have negotiated discounts you can take advantage of as a member.
• If anyone asks what you want for your birthday, Christmas, your anniversary, etc., ask for tri stuff that you need.

Race fee budget:
• Volunteer at an event. Many times you will earn a free entry.
• Be sure to register early to avoid fee increases closer to race day. Many events increase registration fees in January, March and May.
• Participate in smaller races (Sprint and Olympic distances). Look on or to find the local races.
• Look at non-branded races. You can spend $625 a year in advance for one race or spend the same amount to race three events, and wait to register two months before the race if you go to non-branded races.
• Plan your race calendar early and research when fees go up.
• Find a club that puts on "training races." These are often pretty competitive and are free, or very low cost.
• Doing races closer to home means no airfares, less gas, no hotel costs, and no need to eat out.

Nutrition budget:
• If you are going to use top-name nutrition products, buy in bulk and only use them during training, not as meals or snacks. It gets expensive not on race day, but while you consume these products during training.
• If your workout lasts less than two hours, don't bother with energy product nutrition. Just eat normally throughout the day and you will have enough fuel to go the distance with no ill-effects.
• Skip the brand-name energy programs and try “real” food. Fig newtons, peanut butter sandwiches, fruit, etc. are cheaper alternatives.
• Try chocolate milk for recovery.
• Consider water+electrolyte tabs for hot/humid days (which tend to be less expensive than bottled drinks).

I also suggest spending some time thinking and evaluating why and what you specifically like most about tris. If it's being with the people or the training or living the healthy lifestyle, those are things that don't cost money. If it's all about the racing and winning for you, you'll probably spend more money. As a coach, my experience is that most age groupers get a lot more out of their training experiences and the social scene around their club than racing.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Purpose, Planning, & Positive Action

By: Kim Peterson

Are you making the most of each day? Or do you feel that there is more “stuff” to do and not nearly enough time to get it all done? Do you have this nagging feeling that the days are flying by and you are just trying to hang on for the ride?

If this sounds all too familiar then please, take a step back, a deep breath and let the these P’s help you grab the reigns and get back in the driver’s seat.

Purpose: First of all, before tackling a year, month, week, or day take the time to get crystal clear on your Purpose. Why are you doing what you think you have to do? Is it to increase your health & vitality? Make a better life for you and your family? Increase your net worth & eliminate debt? Or are you crossing things off a to-do list just because they are there, for example, answering emails for hours on end that have no real bearing on your ultimate outcome, pushing papers from this spot to that on your desk, making a multitude of trips out because you forgot this or that and you need it right away. Stop and seek clarity. What are your goals professionally & personally (health, family, spirit, money, contribution)? Keep those in the forefront of your mind as you plan each day.

Planning: With your big picture goals in mind (or perhaps written and in front of you) plan each days’, weeks’ and months’ activities paying close attention to whether or not this activity is in line with taking you closer to your objectives. Is this activity having no impact at all or worse yet, taking you further away from your goals? Keep and use some sort of planning system whether paper or electronic (if you choose the latter, be super duper sure to back up constantly…I keep a hybrid of both as I’ve lived through my electronic system blowing up a time or two). Think of it as a most valuable tool and friend that is helping you to get where you want to be in all areas of your life. Plan daily. I find that first thing in the morning to review what my day is going to look like and last thing at night to review what did & didn’t get done and what is coming up. It only takes a couple minutes each time. You will stay on top of the steps it takes to get you where you want to go by keeping the big picture in mind. It will be much easier to get back on track when (not if, but when) you get side tracked. Plus you will have a record of your progress and accomplishments. This will serve as a testament to what you are capable of accomplishing once you decide and take consistent actions towards your goals.

Positive Action: Now you know what you want, why you want it and what steps you need to take to get there. With that foundation in place, it is time to take action, follow through, assess the results you are getting and tweak your strategy if necessary. Start each day a bit earlier to take advantage of the quiet time to contemplate, review and anticipate a positive outcome to your day’s activities. Try to get your most challenging or least fun items out of the way first thing. Stay on track and as unexpected items come up throughout your day, ask yourself “Can this be delegated to someone else? Or, Is this necessary to tackle right now? Or Does this really need to be addressed at all?” If you find yourself getting caught up in the overwhelm of answering emails, taking calls & putting out fires (because you are so busy right?), take a step back and a deep breath and remember your Purpose. A good majority of people are always busy and overwhelmed and stressed and unhappy. Unfortunately, they never achieve the things they want out of life because they aren’t paying attention to what is most important. Don’t let that be you.

Start with taking a big picture overview of your life, where you are and where you would like to be. Then get busy planning. The primary goal is to follow through on the important things. This will go a long way to living a more productive and less “busy” life. It can move you towards the accomplishment of things that you used to think were impossible. The truth is: when correct action is taken they become quite possible and in fact probable

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

What is your Motivation to get healthy?

"I’d workout if only I could find the motivation to start!”
'I don't have time"

Does this sound familiar? It is probably the top 2 statements I hear when talking to people about reaching their fitness goals.

So how do you find that motivation to wake up before the spouse and the kids, or to get moving after an exhausting day of work instead of plopping down in on that comfy couch? Different people are motivated by different things. For some they find motivation in an upcoming event, sport, wedding or reunion, for others maybe it was a health scare of their own or a loved one, but at the end of the day there is ONE factor that motivates everyone ……

$$$$$$ -MONEY!!!- $$$$$$

If you are like a lot of people, you really want to lose weight, but don’t know how. Many people waste money on gym memberships that they didn’t use, diet drinks and foods that made them gag and got them no results, and gimmicky exercise equipment that were a joke. After seeing BeachBody's countless infomercials for the millionth time in 2007, I figured since it had a guarantee, everyone should give it a try and if it didn’t work, just send it back. No problem.

Let me ask you a question. How would your life be different right now if you were given an extra $100,000??? Statistics shows that 50 percent population in America live on $46,000 or less a year! So let’s change some people’s lives for taking a step to better themselves, and others by being an example that hard work really does pay off!

I decided to become a Beachbody Coach and help others achieve goals that they have been looking for but unable to find. Now with the new Beachbody Challenge, it’s easier than ever to get your results with the absolute best weight loss products.

Watch this short video and contact me. Let me know what you liked about the video and what program you’d like to use for your Beachbody Challenge!

The best news in this scenario….. you don’t have to do this alone! You get a Coach to help you thru the process. And not just any Coach… yours truly- Coach Wendy- will be with you step by step along the way.

So if you are ready to change your life both physically and financially, then I am asking you to be my partner in setting an example to the rest of America!

Watch the Promo Video and click the link below to get started! BeachBody Challenge


Balanced Nutrition will aid in training performance

When it comes to maintaining good health, exercise plays a crucial role but no exercise program will be successful without eating right. When you eat before exercise it can give you the energy you need for your workout. When you eat after exercise it can help aid in recovery. Learning what and when to eat before exercise and what and when to eat afterexercise can be the difference between success and failure.

Eat Before Exercise

Whether you are doing cardio or weight training, you need the fuel for your workout. Eating before exercise can give you just that. A mix of carbohydrates and protein can be taken in at this time. The percentage of how much of each you should take in can be decided by the type of exercise and the intensity you are going to be doing.

The best time to eat before exercise is about 90-120 minutes before you start. Experiment with the amount 100-300 calories depending on intensity and duration.

Eat After Exercise

Another important part of a successful exercise routine is what you eat after exercise. This meal is just as important as what you eat before exercise. It doesn’t matter if it is a cardio session or weight training, as energy is depleted in the form of glycogen. Glycogen is the primary source of fuel for the central nervous system and the brain, so if it is not replaced, the body will start to break down muscle tissue and turn it into amino acids which will then be converted into fuel for the central nervous system and brain.

Another important reason to eat after exercise is the micro tears that are created from resistance training in our muscles. When the workout is completed the muscles that were used during weight training will go into a repair phase. This is where protein will stop the muscle from breaking down and converting to fuel to replace glycogen and start the repair processes of the micro tears.

When a cardio session is completed, carbohydrates is what you should mainly eat after exercise. High fiber foods such as whole wheat pasta, rice, oatmeal, and most fruits are all good sources. You carbohydrate intake should be around 30-50 grams and as early as 5-10 minutes after your session end is when you should eat after exercise.

After completing a resistance training session is is important to take in carbohydrates and protein. Some great combinations of fish or chicken with potatoes, egg whites with some fruit, or a protein shake with some fruit are some basic combinations of carbohydrates and proteins you can eat after exercise. You should wait 30 minutes after resistance training to eat so you do not take blood away from your muscle too soon. The blood in your muscles help removes metabolic waste products from them.

After resistance training it is important not to take in high fiber food as it slows digestion and the goal here is to get protein to the muscles fast to start the repair process.

A successful exercise routine must have proper nutrition along with it. Knowing when and what to eat before exercise and when and what to eat after exercise are important steps that can be taken to ensure you get the results you want.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Fitness and Nutrition Resolutions: something to ponder

Most things can be difficult before they are easy. Even if what is difficult is simply overcoming the roadblock in our head to START what we know we need to start, to JUMP in, to BE BRAVE, to DO. Often, after we are in the middle of that dreaded THING, we find that the THING itself is not as difficult as we imagined, but the process of getting there was.

Did you get caught up in the "difficult" time of year this holiday season with family, travel or gift purchasing stress? Maybe lack of sleep, excess food and alcohol slowly taking precedence over exercise and healthy habits.

It can be hard to balance but continuing to exercise through the Christmas & New Years period is great not only for your body but (perhaps more importantly) for your mind!

Each of us has, at some point in our life, set a New Years resolution.
Have you ever managed to make it stick & create a permanent change in your life?
Apparently 25% of people can't stick with a resolution for a week, let alone a whole year.

Where do you want to be in 3 months, 6 months 12 months & beyond?
What will it take for you to get there?
What resources will you need (education, mentoring, tools, commitment) to take action?

Following through...what's the plan?
What are you committed to doing each day until you get the result you are looking for?
Who are you accountable to, friends, family, co-workers?

What actions will you be taking today in order to get and keep you on a path that will take you to where you are truly joyous and excited to start each day and proud at its completion?

Just a few points to ponder as you tick into the New Year.

Did you set Specific goals?
How do you plan to Measure them?
Are they Attainable and Realistic goals?
When do you want to achieve them. set a Timeframe?

I often talk to people who set realistic and achievable goals but don't have the necessary support structures around them to help them stick with their goals, especially when times get tough.

I am here to help with accountability.

When I became a Team Beachbody Coach 12 months ago, it was my primary objective to help people reach whatever health and fitness goals they may have for themselves (not just triathlon). I have realized from my past experiences and challenge groups that the people who have reach their goals were the ones who were 100% committed. I am here today to commit to you and help you reach your goals if... you are ready to commit to me. I'm starting a Challenge on January 9, 2013 for those who are READY for a change.

Research has shown that the people most successful in obtaining their health and fitness goals do these three things:

1. Workout most days of the week at home or in the gym
2. Have an accountability group or partner
3. Eat breakfast

I will be creating a Challenge Group for those that are committed. I will be giving you personal time on a daily basis so I have to know that you are as committed to your success as I am committed to you.

Here's how our Challenge Group will work.

1) You must choose a Beachbody program for your workout.

2) You must be on Shakeology HD and drink your Shakeology at least once a day. Trust me when I say this; it is an imperative part of this process. It will provide your body with the fuel that it will need to get through these workouts. You will replace one meal a day (preferably breakfast, see #3 above) with a shake. It will reduce your cravings, give you energy, and help you lose body fat...GUARANTEED! Literally! If you don’t see results in 30 days you can get your money back!

3) You will participate daily in our private Facebook page, letting the group know how your workout was for the day, how your nutrition is, and just how you are feeling. I will be on the page as well to help encourage, motivate and answer questions you might have.

4) You must take your before photos, measurement and weight. We will take these stats every 30/60/90 days. This is an integral part of the process. As you go along, sometimes you have to be reminded how far you've come to keep going forward.

Beachbody offers "Challenge Packs" at a nicely discounted rate. They include the fitness program of your choice, Shakeology and a Club Membership!!! Plus, you will also get FREE SHIPPING!!

My commitment to you for this 90 Day Challenge:

I will make myself available via email and facebook
1 will interact with you daily on Facebook to help keep you going on your journey, answering questions, giving encouragement, or giving a kick in the pants (lol). If I don't see you check in on FB on any given day, I will text you to see what's up. :)

Once a week I will text you to see how you are doing and what issues you may be having.

PLUS!! Anyone who orders a Challenge Pack AND completes the FULL 90 day Challenge will get a $100 BeachBody gift card.

I am excited about the goals that we can reach together. I am living my passion helping others live healthy, fulfilling lives. To me, that's the most INCREDIBLY fulfilling experience, and I hope you will allow me to come on this journey with you!

For more information about BeachBody and to order your challenge pace click here and send me an commitment email

Body Composition and Food Tracking

Do you track your food intake? Are you honest? Do you share with others on your blog or have a friend who is there for you?? Are you struggling with your nutrition intake, often times eating too much and or make unhealthy food choices? As a Health and Wellness coach I often have my clients track their food intake and then help them create a personalized meal plan.

December is the time of year when most of us slack in our eating choices. There are a million good reasons why that's so and only ONE reason that matters and that is, you have not made it a priority. Typically what you eat while training is different then what you eat during the holiday season. Your schedule tends to be much busier and we often feel crunched for time.

On way to get back on track with good nutrition choices is to commit to keeping a FOOD journal and track every calorie that goes into your mouth. Write out what you eat daily and how it makes you feel before and after you eat it. Initial you may hang your head in shame then over time your track record become better.

What does food tracking do?
~ It makes you face what you know, don't want to see, or admit.
~ It helps you see problem areas
~ It helps you see problem times and where these problems are associated with emotions or stress
~ It keeps you accountable
~ It keeps you honest
~ It helps you take aim and be the version of you, that you want to be.

I am not perfect! I love clean eating, sometimes I fall short, then I restart. Often I do well but have my breakdown. It's all GOOD. It's all a process. Writing down what I have been prone to eat lately has done all of this for me.

It is beneficial to get your your body fat and circumference measurements done as baseline, a starting place. Don't get hung up on the number just let patience and practice good habits. Often the scale may not tell you what you need to know, your body composition.

I offer FREE body composition measurements at the Fort Collins Club for members and non members. Mention this blog to receive $10 off your first consultation.

Contact me for more information.

Healthy Holiday gains!!

It's straight up HARD during the holidays to not give in to ALL the indulgences around us! Isn't it??

No one is perfect! Below are a few tips to make sure that you have the RIGHT kinds of gains this season--gains in healthy habits, gains in the right direction, gains towards your goals. Make is a priority

1. be consistent! Be the same health minded person you are on Friday night at happy hour as you are on Tuesday morning when you avoid the donuts at the meeting. Don't take 3 plates of food at a party when you would have one at home with a healthy meal.

2. Don't miss a workout for a special event. Work out and THEN go to your party, happy hour or family gathering. Do you run every morning, then you can run on Christmas and on New Years! Make a family event of it, but DO.

3. Take action Go to the gym, go to the grocery store, go volunteer instead of a party, get up and move, invest in winter workout gear, take up a winter sport, treat your days off as if they are the same as your days of the week, write your goals, plan your action steps to your goals...ACTION precedes motivation, we DO to feel driven to do... Aim to always be moving forward, examine your actions and ask yourself "is this going to be a GAIN for me? or a loss? Will it help me move forward?" if YES, then take action!

4. Moderation Don't over indulge in drinks New Years Eve party, have one and then have a glass of water. Stick to three drinks and make sure they are ones you LOVE, Love.

5. Don't use holidays as an excuse to eat things you feel bad about! If you don't normally eat fried food, sugary foods, etc, then don't replace your healthy foods with unhealthy foods you wouldn't eat....have one indulgence to enjoy and then even it out with your healthy norm. There will ALWAYS be treats, always be sweets and always be a chance to have something special! DON'T sacrifice what you want right now for what you want in the long run!

6. Plan ahead Plan your meals, plan your workouts in detail. Plan to take snacks to to work, plan healthy alternatives at parties, bring your six pack of water, bring your healthy alternatives! Bake, bake away, but have a plan: make plates for neighbors, bring it all to the office, give it away, just plan to WIN and you will!

Holiday gains don't HAVE to be 5-10-15 extra pounds, they can be NEW healthy traditions, they can be NEW ways of cooking, NEW levels of moderation and self control, NEW starts to your goals in the midst of much stress and over indulgence!!

ENJOY your holiday, aim for the right kind of holiday gains and push into the new year feeling strong, healthy and ready for all that is in store!!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tis the season to increase your mobility and stability

In a previous article, I noted that the offseason / preparation season is a great time for triathletes to start strength training. Why is strength training important in the offseason?

As a triathlete, your dominant muscle groups (pecs/lats/quads/glutes/hamstrings) get stronger by the repetitive nature of swimming, biking and running, while your smaller stabilizer muscles (the 26 muscles that make up your core and that help generate power) become weak. The off/preparation season is the prime time to set the foundation for endurance and create muscle balance before you start building base miles in the pool and on the bike. When all those muscles are strong and working, you are going to be more efficient.

Your core muscles in the front extend from the base of your ribs all the way down through your abdominals, pelvic girdle and upper quad. In the back, they go from your upper hamstrings and glutes to your low and mid back. Your core includes the areas around your hips that allow extension, flexion, and rotation oblique. Core stability is what helps support your spine, allowing you to sit and stand tall instead of slouching. The muscles in your middle and upper back and your rear deltoids often become weak as you develop stronger pecs from swimming. This can create a slough instead of a smooth, flat back when running and cycling.

Exercises found in MovementU, Core Performance, TRX and P90X2 all work on stability, balance and strength simultaneously to create balanced musculature, tendon and connective tissue strength. Having a strong core and hip stability helps lengthen your body and create an ideal position for swimming, biking and running.

TRX TV offers a tip, movement and sequence of the week. An example of mobility and stabilty for your ankles, hips and shoulders can be found in the May edition of TRX TV click here

Core Peformance and MovementU shoulder and hip mobility exercises can be found here

The first phase of P90X2 involves 4 weeks of mobility exercies utilizing the form roller, stability ball and medicine balls. Click here to view a preview

After spending a period of time strengthening your core and improving balance, your smaller muscles are stronger to support your advanced exercises and power moves such as squat, lunge, plyometrics, and exercises designed to improve speed and agility. That will be the focus on my next article

If you have questions please send me an email

Monday, December 5, 2011

Not Your Mother’s Cookies

Written by Dr. Cindy Dallow, PH.D. RD.

I love to bake cookies. And I love to eat them too, along with all the other holiday goodies that seem to come out of the woodwork this time of year.

But I’m not so keen on the idea of adding an extra layer of body fat to the lower half of my body and having to grind out 500 extra miles (and laps…and reps…and rpms) in January to get rid of it.

So, I do what every red-blooded dietitian would do: I modify the recipes to make them lower in fat, sugar, and calories. It’s easy and they taste just as good. Really, I’m serious!

Don’t believe me? Try it and see for yourself.

First, take your average cookie recipe – you know, the one that starts with “3 sticks of butter and 5 lbs of sugar” (ok, I’m exaggerating but you get the picture) – and cut the amount of fat in half and the sugar by one-third or one-fourth. Or, try substituting Splenda (sugar substitute found in the baking aisle of your average grocery store…and yes, its safe) for the sugar entirely.

You can also substitute pureed prunes or applesauce for the fat in a 1:1 ratio. I’ve made chocolate chip cookies with pureed prunes in place of margarine many times and not one person has noticed a prune-y taste. Really, it’s true!

To up the ante (and really impress your family), throw in some stuff healthy too. For example, add some flax seed or wheat germ to the dry ingredients and you’ll boost your intake of omega-3 fats (good for the ol’ ticker). Throw in dried cranberries, cherries, or raisins and you’ve added fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and iron.

Other ways to make your goodies “nutritious and delicious” include:
• substituting half the white flour with whole wheat flour
• substituting half the white flour with oat flour (just blenderize regular oats to a flour-like consistency and wa la, oat flour)
• substituting butter with margarine (there will be a difference in texture but not taste)
• substituting mashed pinto beans for part of the fat (see recipe below)

These are just a few of the many ways to make healthier holiday treats. To see for yourself, try the following recipes:

Pinto Bean Fudge (yes, you read that right)
1 cup pinto beans, cooked and mashed
¾ cup stick margarine, melted
¾ cup cocoa
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 pounds powdered sugar
1.5 cups chopped nuts (optional)

Mix first 4 ingredients. Stir in sugar and nuts. Spread in greased 9-by-13 inch pan. Store in refrigerator.

Oatmeal Toffee Cookies*
3 2/5 ounces of all-purpose flour (about ¾ cup)
1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
½ teaspoon baking soda
¼ teaspoon salt
¾ cup packed brown sugar
¼ cup butter, softened (half the amount most cookies recipes call for)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 large egg
1/3 cup almond toffee bits (instead of the whole bag)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Weigh or lightly spoon flour into dry measuring cups; level with a knife. Combine flour, oats, baking soda, and salt in a medium bowl; stir with a whisk.

Place sugar and butter in a large bowl; beat with a mixer at medium speed until well-blended. Add vanilla and egg; beat well. Add flour mixture and beat until combined. Stir in coffee bits.

Drop by tablespoonfuls 2” apart on greased baking sheet. Bake for 11 minutes or until lightly browned. Cool on pans for 1 minute.

Calories per cookie: 90 (instead of 130), fat: 3 grams (instead of 7-8).


Bon appétit!

Cindy Dallow, PhD, RD, CSSD
Nutrition Expert Coach
Mobile: (970) 518 - 7469

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Prepare your body to train

For most of us, triathlon season ended in September, unless you went on to race World Championships in Kona or a late-season Ironman in Arizona or Cozumel. Most of us take time off after our last race of the year to reflect on the season, set goals for 2013 and establish some objectives to help reach those goals.

Now it’s the almost January, time to start preparing your body physically for the 2013 season. What does this mean? For me, this preparation phase is more about what it does not mean. I won’t jump into cold water, ride my bike with multiple layers or run much more than I have to to keep the dogs from getting cabin fever.
The preparation phase consists of both general and specific training. Generalincludes functional strength training, resulting in increased stability, mobility, balance and muscle/core strength. Specific preparation involves improving your efficiency in the pool and on the road through skills and drills. Keep workouts short and focused on technique.

Before you focus on sports-specific training, consider strength training, which enables you to control force loads without the variables of your sport. This is not only safe and effective, it's also time efficient. If your gym is in your house, negating all travel issues, the time element is further enhanced. For me and the athletes I coach, general preparation includes training with a TRX or BeachBody home-based fitness DVDs.

The TRX system, originally created by a Navy SEAL, consists of adjustable straps with two handles that you connect to an overhead anchor. The portability of the suspension straps allows you to train anywhere – from your home, the gym, a hotel room, or on the beach. This system is unique in that it simultaneously trains and develops strength, balance, flexibility and core stability. Athletes of all sports can benefit and gain improved performance by strengthening and stabilizing muscles in functional movement patterns. Use the TRX and your own body weight to perform many of the classic exercises (lunges, squats, push-ups, abs, etc.), but with the added component of instability, and every exercise incorporates core strength and balance.

BeachBody’s newest home-based fitness DVDdesigned for endurance athletes is P90X2. Physiological P90X2 focus areas include improvements in strength, speed, agility and quickness. The phases in P90X2 are much more diverse and specifically targeted than those in the original P90X. Phase I creates the foundation, Phase II improves strength, Phase III increases power.

Once strength training helps your tendons, ligaments and bones become stronger, sport-specific preparation includes skills and drills before you start to build volume and intensity.

When it comes to swimming, patience with technique and endurance will lead to strength and speed. There are 5 phases of the stroke I look at.
a. Breathing
b. Body balance, rotation, kick
c. Recovery phase
d. Hand entry phase
e. Pull phase
Schedule a few private lessons. Find a coach that has access to an underwater camera to film you both under and above the water. If you can see what you are doing wrong, that will help you understand what you need to change. Based on your technique limiter, your coach can give you specific drills to help you improve your recovery, hand entry and under water pull, instead of just doing the same drills that your masters swim class does.

When it comes to the bike,pedaling drills will help you to learn to how to efficiently apply forces throughout all four phases or your pedal stroke, as outlined below.When pedaling, fully focus on moving one pedal through each of the following four distinct phases: downstroke, backstroke, upstroke, and over-the-top stroke.
a. Downstroke. This part comes most naturally when riding. Focus on exerting a strong downward push of the pedal, but be smooth – don’t mash them.
b. Backstroke. As you feel your foot approaching the bottom of the downstroke, focus on pulling your foot backward parallel to the ground. This is often equated to the sensation of scraping mud off your shoes.
c. Upstroke. Don’t focus on pulling the pedal up. Rather, as soon as your foot approaches the end of the backstroke, focus on rapidly driving your knee towards your handlebars. Think of it as driving forward rather than pulling up. Driving your leg forward moves it in the optimal biomechanical pattern for this phase of the pedal stroke.
d. Over-the-top stroke. Focus simply on feeling the transition point where the momentum from your drive towards the handlebars just begins to cease. At this point, initiate the strong downward push of the pedal in the downstroke. All you are doing in this phase is creating a quick, seamless transition from upstroke to downstroke.

When it comes to running, the basic technique variables are cadence, foot strike and forward lean. Aim for between 85 to 95 foot strikes a minute, landing on your midfoot (not heel or toe) with a slight lean forward from your ankles. As with swimming, it is helpful to get someone to film you so you can see how you actually run.
Your head should be erect, with eyes focused forward to a point on the ground about 20 to 30 meters away

a. The shoulders should be square and level. Do not round your shoulders or swing them forwards or backwards
b. Arms should be swinging freely but in a general forwards/backwards. Elbows should be bent approximately 90 degrees with forearms remaining roughly parallel to the ground
c. Hands are held in a relaxed fist with the thumb resting on the forefinger
d. The torso should be erect, with chest up and plenty of room for the diaphragm to move for proper breathing actions.
f. The hips should be square and level with no sideways movement
g. The leg action should be relaxed, with pendular movements and moderate knee lift
h. The feet should be pointed straight ahead and land directly under the hips

In the preparation phase, frequency of workouts is more important then duration. As you get tired often your form gets sloppy so keep sessions short, 30 minute swims and runs, 30-60 minute rides. Depending on your schedule aim for 2-4 sessions per sport per week. More sessions in your weaker sport. Most people like to swim and run on the same day and bike on alternating days. Keep intensity low and practice with a purpose.

Example of swimming workout: Warm up 10 minute include then do a drill set 8X50 (25 drill one for recovery phase, one for entry phase and one for pull phase) with 25 swim incorporating the focus of the drill into your stroke. Swim a main set upto 1000 yards then cool down.

Example of running workout: Best to run on soft surface. Warm up 10 minutes then high knees, butt skips, skip drills for 20 feet at a time. Then run run for 15 minute alternating 2 minute easy, 20-30 seconds quick feet leg turnover. Cool down 5-10 minutes.

Example of cycling workout: Warm up 10 minutes then 4 x (30 second one leg only / 30 second both legs) then 4X (30" fast spin/30" ez). Main Set 4X4' alternating big gear standing for 1 minute with little gear seated fast spinning 100rpms Cool down

After about 4-8 weeks of strength, skills and drills you will be ready to build up your yardage/miles with good form.

10 Tips for Dealing with Holiday Food Pushers

By Tana and Dr. Daniel Amen

Simply attending parties and dining out during the holidays can sabotage your greatest health intentions, especially if your friends, family, co-workers and other hosts are disguised as food pushers!

We can even feel guilty when: We show up to someone’s home and say we’re not eating.

When we don’t want to eat what the host is serving, while they are telling you how they slaved to make this meal especially for you!
So should you avoid the dinner parties, or give in? It’s best not to allow yourself to be put into compromising situations without a plan.

Here are simple strategies for dealing holiday food pushers:

Call ahead to find out what is being served and to inform the host you are on a special brain healthy diet (or The Daniel Plan) and won’t be able to eat certain foods. Ask the host if they mind if you bring a dish (or two) to accommodate the way you eat. Most people appreciate the help, and it gives you an opportunity to share how healthy the item is and about The Daniel Plan.

Carry and eat nuts or seeds during the day to help satiate your hunger so when someone offers you a tempting treat, you won’t feel like it’s worth it. Also, keep an ice chest in the car and fill it with your back-up foods. When the unhealthy snacks or desserts show up, excuse yourself for a moment to get some fresh air, and dive into your emergency stash of the healthy options.

Be upfront with food pushers. Explain that you are trying to eat a more balanced diet, and that when they offer you cake, chips, or pizza, it makes it more difficult for you.

If someone pushes you to drink alcohol, ask for sparkling water with a splash of cranberry or slice of lemon.

Eat very slowly so when the host starts asking guests if they want seconds, you can say you are still working on your first helping. If they do ask, tell them you are pleasantly full. If they insist, explain that you are trying to watch your calories. If they continue to push extra helpings on you, just say “no thank you.”
Avoid visiting with co-workers who have a bowl of candy on their desk.

Tell restaurant servers “no bread” or “no chips” and “no desserts” before you’re seated. Just say no to “super-sizing” anything. Ask for water or green tea if someone orders an unhealthy appetizer for the table.

Ask your spouse not to eat trigger foods in front of you. If family members are eating foods that tempt you, leave the room until they finish. Ask grandparents to avoid giving treats as rewards to your children.

Donate money to the Girl Scouts rather than buying cookies.

Make it a rule NEVER to take free food samples ANYWHERE!

Finally, we realize we’re not perfect, so when temptation wins out, use the three-bite rule. Take three bites of the item, then toss it or set it aside.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Battle the holiday stress

Have you ever considered using massage to battle the holiday stress, winter blues and the cold that your family and friends are passing around.

Sure, massage can feel indulgent or maybe something only to be used for acute or nagging injuries. Yes, massage can be the perfect answer for these occasions, but lets take it out of the realm of occasional into the idea of prevention.

The holiday season is a wonderful time of year, but it stresses our budget, time, emotions, sleep and ability to take care of ourselves. The detrimental effects of stress can be obvious; anxiety, change in sleep habits, fatigue but there are things happening in your body that aren’t as discernable. Prolonged stress produces cortisol, a hormone released by the adrenal gland. Elevated levels of this stress hormone have been implicated in suppressed immunity and disease. Now here is the good news, massage has been shown to reduce the level of cortisol. Massage can have a regulating affect on the nervous system, balancing the sympathetic (fight or flight) and parasympathetic nervous system. When massage stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system it increases the levels of dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, (as well as many other health supporting hormones) all hormones that have a calming and pleasurable effect on mood. This also inhibits the sympathetic nervous system thus reducing levels of cortisol.

Massage also increases blood and lymphatic circulation. They lymph system contains white blood cells, killer cells and killer t cell (and much more), these are all a part of immunity. Massage increases the effectiveness of the immune system by increasing the distribution on lymphatic fluid throughout the body.

Massage is a wonderful way to indulge yourself, but it is also an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Being stressed has become the “norm”, but it is not a healthy state of being. I always tell my clients they should have at least three self-care tools in their tool belt, massage being one of them. Remember to put yourself on your busy holiday to-do list, this will keep you healthy and able to enjoy this special time of year in a new way.

I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and an adventurous New Year!
Alicia Kirch
Performance Massage Therapies

Sunday, November 27, 2011

What does Team BeachBody Include

When you sign up for a FREE Team BeachBody account with me I become your BeachBody coach. You will receive motivation, nutrition and fitness tips.

Team Beachbody Memberships

There are two registration options—FREE membership and VIP Club membership.

• FREE membership benefits: Free membership gives users access to the most basic Team
Beachbody® tools, including WOWY SuperGym (which we’ll describe in more detail later);video clips that feature Success Stories, news on Team Beachbody fitness programs andproducts; and Message Boards and FREE chat rooms to help members find new friends withthe same goals, connect with workout partners, and get support from the entire community.

• VIP Club membership benefits: In addition to the free membership features, upgrading to Team Beachbody VIP Club membership gives you access to the custom Meal Planner, plus you get VIP access that includes exclusive live chats with Beachbody’s celebrity trainers and nutrition experts. It also gets you access to our extensive library of workout video trainer tips and healthy cooking advice, where you’ll get recipes that’ll make mealtime more enjoyable. And, probably the best part, Club members get a 10 percent discount on all Beachbody® products!
Club membership is just $2.99 a week, billed once a quarter.

This kind of support has been proven to give people a much better chance of success than if they try to succeed with their weight loss goals on their own, with no support. To register for either membership, goto

Now that you understand how to register, let’s take a closer look at the key features you’ll find at

Team Beachbody Home Page
The home page at provides you with health and fitness tips, the latest news on Beachbody programs, and the hottest topics members are discussing on the Message Boards.

Along the top navigation bar, you’ll see several different options:
• Get Fit
• Eat Smart
• Connect
• Watch Videos
• About
• Coach
• Shop

Get familiar with what’s behind each of these buttons.

Located under the Get Fit menu, WOWY SuperGym®
is “accountability central,” featuring:
• A calendar to schedule your workout each day, so you have a commitment to your workouts and your schedule. This can’t be overemphasized. Scheduling your workouts is a big partof success.
• A live workout tracker to see who you’re working out with at the same time each day.
• A tool to connect with Workout Buddies and create Workout Groups (other members of the Team Beachbody online community).

Why find Workout Buddies? When you’re working out in your own space, it can be easy to skipworkouts or lose motivation. But when you connect with people who are doing the same program as you, many who are starting at the same time as you, you can see how encouraging this community can be.

In fact, WOWY® stands for “Work Out With You.” When you select online Workout Buddies, you’ll all log in to during workouts. With real-time “accountability partners,” you’re far more likely to show up for each other—almost as if you were meeting at a gym. And with WOWY SuperGym, you can also join a Workout Group to attract or meet people who share the same goals and interests as you! This “virtual gym” allows you to use the live chat feature to connect with other members who’ve committed to living a healthier lifestyle,
just like you.A business aspect you’ll appreciate about WOWY SuperGym is that you can share your workout status via your social media. So if you have a Facebook or Twitter account, you can keep your friends updated on your workout progress as you log in. It’s a great way to start conversations—people see you staying consistent, When they’d otherwise have no way to know you were working out at home.

There’s one more WOWY SuperGym benefit you’ll be interested in: The chance to win cash and prizes. New contests and giveaways are being promoted all the time, so for more on how you can win cash and prizes when you schedule your workouts, just review the SuperGym Tutorial in the Help/FAQs section at

Complete Fitness Resources Members have access to the other fitness resources under the Get Fit menu. Here’s where you can learn how to:
• Calculate your target heart rate
• Set and track your fitness goals
• Learn more about Beachbody’s celebrity trainers
• Find Beachbody product reviews by real customers
• Download workout sheets to record your weight and reps
• Access online workout routines

Team Beachbody’s Eat Smart menu has everything from a personalized meal planning tool to recipes, nutrition tools, and tips we’ve been designing for more than a decade to help people get fast, real results. You’ll also find information on Beachbody supplements and Michi’s Ladder—an easy-to-follow food-selection tool that helps you know which foods to stay away from and which foods are in line with your goals.

Meal Planner
If you’re looking for a reason to upgrade to Club membership (besides access so you can communicate directly with our celebrity trainers), the meal planner may be the second biggest reason people love VIP membership! This great tool will make matching your diet with your weight loss or fitness objective much easier than trying to figure it out for yourself. You can outline your personal nutrition requirements, build menus, and print out shopping lists. Plus, Team Beachbody takes the guesswork out of trying to decide which plan to use. With the Meal Plan Wizard, you’ll just answer a few questions about yourself, and then Team Beachbody
will recommend a meal plan that’s right for you. But even then, you can still customize it with your preferences!
You can edit meals, set your food preferences, add a serving of Shakeology to your plan, and even add your own recipes. You can also review complete nutritional and diet exchange information, as well as ingredient lists and preparation times for your meal.

Review the Meal Plan Help page and get started setting up yours as soon as possible.
RecipesThe meal planner is not the only place to find delicious and nutritious recipes. Go to the Recipes page under the Eat Smart menu to view some of Team Beachbody’s favorite recipes, including our irresistible Shakeology®
recipes that’ll make the Healthiest Meal of the Day® your FAVORITE meal
of the day.

Nutrition Tools
The Eat Smart menu also has tools to help you calculate your body fat percentage, healthy weight, and daily caloric needs. Plus you can learn more about Beachbody’s supplements and decide which ones to incorporate into your nutrition plan to help support your health and fitness goals. We don’t want you taking everything, but we do want you taking everything that’ll help you achieve your optimum health.

We can’t say enough about the importance of being a part of the Team Beachbody community to help you reach your goals. At, we make it easy for you to connect with other Team Beachbody members.

Message Boards/Chat Rooms/Message Center
While Success Stories focus on people who have already completed Beachbody programs, the Chat Rooms and Message Boards help you connect with others who are working through a program RIGHT NOW.

There are Public Chat Rooms, which are available for all Team Beachbody members. Here you can gather all of your buddies together to discuss weekly goals or meal plans, or just catch up and say hello.
There are also VIP Chat Rooms for Club members only, where you can go to talk with your favorite
Team Beachbody celebrity trainer with fewer interruptions.
And on the Message Boards, there’s a way for you to find specific answers on EVERYTHING Beachbody. From the Coach business forums to program support and nutrition, there’s a Message Board for you.

Before After*WRAP-UP
Now that you understand a little more about what’s available to you in the Club at, it’s time to log in and explore. If you’re not already a VIP Club member, go ahead and upgrade your membership today. If you want to present this effective tool to prospects, it’s important for you to know what you’re talking about so you can be authentically enthusiastic about the Club. And access to Club member benefits like the meal planner, VIP Chat Rooms, and
fitness tips will help you move faster toward your fitness and business goals.

Once you sign up for an account I will add you to my FaceBook accountability group.

Is the P90X Workout Right for You?

Original Article

P90X, the intense home fitness program by Beachbody, has become wildly popular for its convenience and quick results. Not for the faint of heart — the “X” stands for extreme — the 90-day cycle requires strength training, toning, and cardio workouts six days a week for an hour at a time. If you can stick with the plan, the fitness guru behind P90X, Tony Horton, says you’ll be “absolutely ripped” by the end, thanks to the plan’s rotation of 12 different types of workouts.

“There’s no way after two to three weeks that you’re not feeling stronger and you’re not seeing something happening to your body,” Beachbody co-founder Jon Congdon says. “If you’re overweight, you’ll see a quick change in your waistline.” Also, he says, P90X is convenient and affordable. “It’s a home fitness program so you don’t have the expense of joining a gym.”

The P90X workout schedule is intense — and it might not be suitable for people with a lot of weight to lose or certain health conditions that make exercise difficult. Before you start any exercise routine, you should check with your doctor.

If you do decide to give P90X a try, you’re buying a series of 12 workout DVDs that take you through one of 12 hour-long routines six days a week. “It works in three phases,” Congdon says. “You do three weeks of intense bodybuilding exercises, and then a week of “recover” exercises, which are easier. Then another three weeks of intense exercises and a week of recover and then another three weeks and one week of recover.” The first three weeks in each cycle include new and challenging exercises. “Each time, we introduce new moves and routines so that your body doesn’t plateau and you don’t get bored,” Congdon says, explaining the secret to the success of the P90X workout.

Getting Started With P90X

Anyone can follow the P90X workout schedule — you don’t have to be a super athlete or in super shape, its founders say. However, Congdon says, if you’re totally out of shape you might want to start with P90, which is a little easier, and you should always consult your doctor before starting an exercise program. Another option, he says, is if there’s an exercise or movement you can’t do, you just don’t do it.

“It’s important that you listen to your body and stop and take lots of rests,” Congdon says. The exercises are pretty intense. “Some people say they feel like they’re burning more calories just watching it.”

The videos are the same for men and women. “We have a lot of couples who have done it together,” Congdon says.

P90X Nutrition

The program also includes a nutritional program designed by nutritionist Carrie Wiatt. It’s not necessarily a weight-loss diet, but it teaches you what to eat to burn fat and build muscle.

Your results will depend on what shape you’re in when you start the program. If you have significant weight to lose, you will, Congdon says. More importantly, he continues, you’ll strengthen and tone your muscles and look and feel better.

“By the end of the program, you’re eating nearly 50 percent complex carbs every day because your body is such a machine and you need fuel to sustain it,” Congdon says. Nutritional supplements are part of the P90X workout program as well, but they are optional.

Like Having Your Own Personal Trainer

Mike Z. Robinson, an ACE certified personal trainer and owner of MZR Fitness in San Luis Obispo, Calif., agrees that the P90X workout is very popular because it’s fun, challenging, and provides results. “A lot of people get bored with their exercise regimens, so when they get something that consistently pushes them and they’re getting results, then it’s a win-win,” he says.

For most people, P90X is like having a personal trainer at a much reduced cost. “There are several key similarities between using P90X and having a personal trainer — the workouts are constantly varied, and motivation and exercise programs are prescribed on a daily basis, just to name a few,” Robinson says.

Although at-home workouts like P90X save the cost of a gym membership, not working with a live trainer can also be a drawback. “The danger of P90X and similar programs is that there is no one to be watchful of your moves, which decreases the likelihood of your getting injured,” Robinson says.

Also, home fitness programs are only effective if you’re motivated to stick with them and make the commitment. “Accountability is one of the main things that people struggle with when it comes to fitness,” Robinson says, “and there is no accountability with these types of products. If you are consistent and do the work, then the program will be successful for you, but you must do it.” on Shakeology

Chocolate Shakeology scored 97 out of 100 on the FoodFacts site. For a reference point, SlimFast was 69 and Muscle Milk light was 61. McDonald's Double Cheeseburger is a 0! Yes. Zero. Go to and check for yourself.. it is THE Most perfect "food" on the list (better than chicken, salmon, quinoa.. better than ANYTHING)

30 days of P90Xmas

30 days of p90Xmas

What is a Team BeachBody Coach

Beachbody is the company that makes world class fitness videos such as P90X, Insanity, Power 90, Turbo Jam, ChaLEAN Extreme, Hip Hop Abs, Slim in Six and Kathy Smith’s Project: You Type 2. These programs are directed to people at every level of fitness. Also distributes exercise equipment and nutritional supplements manufactured by Beachbody.

Team Beachdbody consists of coaches, most of whom got in shape with a BeachBody program and then started earning money helping others to do the same. The ability to help other people be successful both physically and financially is such a gift from Team Beachbody. A combination of experience and leadership has allowed us to make our dreams come true and achieve financial freedom. Whether you have experience in direct sales or not, Team Beachbodys commitment to all new Coaches is to ensure that they get started right and to provide them with whatever help they need along the path to their dreams.

Life is about choices and decisions. The following video presents just such a choice. Whether you decide to become a Team Beachbody Coach or not is entirely up to you. . So, what’s your choice? View Video here

The business is simple with “The Beachbody RevolutionTM-Turn Your Weight Loss into Profit” system . . . the breakthrough income opportunity that’s perfect for YOU!

Earn money while losing weight and helping others do the same.
Be your own boss, work from home, part-time or full-it’s up to you!
Get started for only $39.95 and no inventory costs.
The Beachbody Revolution System includes everything you need to get started:

Beachbody Revolution Business Kit. Step-by-step training and marketing materials show you how to start earning-even from day one-and grow your business quickly.
3 training DVDs. Maximize your weight loss and earnings!
Your Web site and on-line store loaded with amazing products. We’ll set up a Web site for you in minutes and you can start taking orders right away. Get paid a commission on every sale through your store-that means a check is in the mail the very next week!

Bonus #1 from Team Beachbody -Thirty days of FREE access to your Coach online office with everything you need to manage and grow your business . . . and training Webinars, sales tracking, news, events calendar, and easy-to-use marketing materials.

Bonus #2 COACHES on a Misson – Access to Diamond Coaches. We have a strong connection and commitment to our Coaches, so rest assured you will be given as much assistance as you need. We believe training new Coaches in the business model, compensation plan and products is imperative. Your training will begin as soon as you are ready and will progress as quickly, or as slowly as you dictate. The video below describes what we’ll do to make sure you are as successful as you want to be.

With the Beachbody Revolution system, you get everything you need to transform your body AND set up an instant online business, all for only $39.95. Plus you’ll receive 30 days of FREE access to your Coach online office to manage your business. Your job is simply to encourage people to use Beachbody’s proven fitness and weight loss products and let them help you get the word out. This system works . . . So what are you waiting for? Just click the button below now to get started!

After 30 days, you’ll automatically be billed just $14.95 a month to the credit card you provide today. Cancel anytime to avoid future charges. We’re so sure you’ll succeed, we’re giving you 30 days to try it out. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason, simply return the product within 30 days for a full refund (less shipping and handling). So what are you waiting for?

Team Beachbody is growing rapidly. Now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity. Please contact us for more information, or simply click here if you are ready to be a Coach. You will see a note indicating that t2coachwendy will be your Coach.

Beachbody® does not guarantee any level of success or income from the Beachbody Coach Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence, and skill. See our Statement of

Friday, November 25, 2011

P90X2 P90X2: A Home Fitness Program Designed For Endurance Athletes

One of the reasons P90X2 is so evolved from other training systems is due to the relationship with Dr. Marcus Elliott and his P3 training facility in Santa Barbara, California. P3 only trains serious athletes, and with Elliott's aid, P90X2 was able to incorporate many of what P3 considers to be the more important factors in avoiding injury and altering athlete performance.

For example, the third training phase revolves around something called post-activation potentiation (PAP), which Elliott and his staff have been perfecting for years. Essentially, the P90X2 test group included some of the world's best athletes who were looking for an extra edge.

How P90X2 Fits into Your Schedule

As an endurance athlete, especially one with a job, family, etc., scheduling is important. While P90X2 is a 90-day program, it's been created with variables in mind. Specifically, each phase can be extended or shortened to fit your personal schedule. Many people with different goals and schedules can do the program. Thus, you can fit P90X2 into your season no matter what your schedule is like.

That said, the program is intense and for best results should be done in the offseason. As with any training that changes your body composition, the longer you give yourself to integrate sports-specific movement patterns with your new physique, the better.

P90X2 can also be used during the season, especially if don't mind having a few races with less-than-stellar results. How you abridge the program varies depending on personal schedules and goals, but there are a few things to keep in mind no matter who you are.

First, in order to adapt and benefit from a stage of targeted training, you need a minimum of three weeks. Adding a handful of random workouts into your training is only going to slow you down. If you want to benefit from these workouts, you'll need a minimum of three weeks and preferably longer. Otherwise you're better off sticking with your sports-specific schedule.

Second, growing muscles is a process. You will slow down as you start this program, especially in Phase Two. Plan for this as there is absolutely no way around it. In order for muscles to grow, fast-twitch fibers get broken down and, mainly, stay that way until fully adapted. Generally you need about two weeks after a program for your full contingency of fast-twitch muscle fibers to return.

Finally, you need build up to Phase Three. Don't dive straight into it, no matter how cool it sounds, or it will likely result in having the opposite of its desired effect. As Elliott says, "Once you adapt (to PAP training) you start to feel springy, loose." But as you adapt you'll feel broken down and slow. Any attempted racing during this period would be futile. Worse than slow, you'd be at high risk of injury since your body's state of breakdown will be at around the maximum it can handle.

P90X2 is one of the most exciting training creations for the weekend warrior, a perfect complement to sports-specific training and a great way help you reach the next level in your sport.

Read more here

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Missing Links: Nutritional Issues in the Underperforming Athlete
Nutrition is my missing link. I have my training down, but my eating needs help.” Time and again, this is the concern expressed by my clients who believe they are not getting the most from their workouts. Many of these busy people (who range from casual exercisers to competitive athletes) are eating at the wrong time, choosing the wrong balance of carbohydrates, protein & fat, drinking too little fluids, and consuming adequate iron.
The question arises: How much better could these athletes perform? The answer is: LOTS BETTER! The following article highlights some common missing links, and provides solutions that hopefully will help you to avoid these pitfalls and create a strong sports nutrition program that compliments your training.

MISSING LINK #1: Respect for the power of food

“You know, Nancy, too many athletes show up for training but don’t show up for meals. They might as well not show up for training.” These words, spoken by a winning Boston College hockey coach, hit the nail on the head. You’ll be better off taking ten minutes out of your training time to fuel your body properly than rushing to practice, only to show up poorly fueled and unable to get the most from your workout.
MISSING LINK #2: Adequate calories during the day

Read more here

Sedantary Athletes Sitting and Weighting

Nancy Clark MS RD CSSD Mar 18, 2011

Imagine this: a lean, fit athlete who trains hard, eats heartily, and does not fret about getting fat. While this image holds true for some athletes, it seems far from reality for others. All too often, I listen to my clients complain, “I should be pencil thin for all the exercise I do.” Or they moan, “I eat like a bird compared to my friends...” How could this be?

The answer is many athletes burn far fewer calories than they realize; they are actually couch potatoes the majority of the day. These seemingly active people can be surprisingly sedentary, apart from their purposeful exercise.
Think about it. The majority of your waking hours can easily be spent sitting, with TV and computers being the primary culprits that induce sedentary behaviors. The average athletic person sits at breakfast; drives to work, sits all day, drives to the gym, exercises for 45 to 90 minutes, drives home, sits at dinner, and then sits in front of a screen before going to bed. Even competitive athletes who do double workouts often live a sedentary lifestyle. They generally do little but rest and recover during the non-exercise parts of their day.

According to Neville Owen, speaker at the American College of Sports Medicine's Annual Meeting (Seattle, May ’09), the average person sits 9.3 hours a day. Even if you are physically fit, this high amount of inactivity is bad for your health. Exercise reduces health risks in both lean and overweight people, even if the exercise is not associated with weight loss. Owen reports the more a person sits, the higher the risk of mortality. Hence, we not only need to find time to exercise, we also need to find ways to sit less—for example, bike to work, pace when talking on the phone, stand up when writing emails. (To elevate the height of your laptop computer, put it on top of a cardboard box that you put on top of your desk.) We could even reduce our carbon footprint by hanging laundry outside to dry on a clothesline. That would not only add on exercise but also save energy!
Because activity has been engineered out of our lives, non-exercisers and avid athletes alike can easily spend too much time doing too little activity. For example, we no longer use our muscles to open the garage door, lower the car window, wash laundry, or even walk down the hall to ask a colleague a question (email is easier). For many of us, the primary movement we get in a day is our purposeful workout/training session. Hence, the goal of this article is to increase your awareness of your 24-hour activity level, and encourage you to take steps (no pun intended) to move a bit more and sit a bit less throughout the waking hours of your day.

Sitting & Weighting

People who sit a lot tend to gain undesired body fat. The more they sit, the fatter they get. Fatness heightens the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and associated chronic diseases. These health risks start at a young age. A recent study with sedentary teens reports just four weekly 30-minute workouts with moderate aerobic activity was enough to stimulate major health improvements (1). And isn’t it scary to think teens are already afflicted with the so-called “diseases of aging”...?

Buying a Team Beachbody eGift Card

1. How do I buy a Team Beachbody eGift Card?

Choose a design, personalize a message, and complete the delivery
information, click "Add to Cart." You'll then be prompted in the checkout to
provide your payment information.

2. Do I have to be a member of Team Beachbody to purchase a Team
Beachbody eGift Card?
Yes, you must be a member of Team Beachbody to purchase a eGift Card
or to make a purchase using one. It's fast, easy, and FREE to sign up!
Here are two ways to become a member:
1. Go to and click on "Not a Member?" in the
upper, right-hand corner of the screen. Follow the directions to sign up
for either a FREE or Club membership.

2. Shop in the store on and add the items you'd
like to purchase to your cart. Once you click "Checkout," you'll be
prompted to sign up for an account.

3. Can I customize the amount on my eGift Card?
You can choose from convenient increments of $25, $50, $100, $250, and
$500 for your gift of health and fitness. Purchase one or multiple cards to
create your desired amount.

4. How quickly is my eGift Card delivered?

While most eGift Cards will arrive to your email within minutes of placing
your order, please allow approximately 2 hours for delivery. You'll receive
an email with your eGift Card along with simple instructions for how to use
If it doesn't arrive within approximately 2 hours, please check to make sure
that it wasn't filed in your spam or junk mail folder. If this doesn't resolve
the issue, please call our friendly Customer Service staff toll-free at 1
(800) 997-5602.3

5. Can I personalize a message to the recipient of my eGift Card?
Yes, you can. After your order is finalized, you'll receive an email
containing your eGift Card. Type your message into the applicable space
in the email, and then forward the email to the recipient, or print and handdeliver it to your chosen recipient.

6. What will I receive when I order an eGift Card?

You'll receive two emails shortly after your order is placed. First, you'll
receive an order confirmation email detailing your purchase. Then, you'll
receive the email containing the eGift Card you created and purchased. It
will show the design you chose, the card's value, and the redemption
code. Simple instructions for redeeming the eGift Card are also included.

7. Can I print an eGift Card to give as a gift?
Yes, you can print out the eGift Card from the email you receive. Then you
can either hand-deliver it or mail it to your recipient with a personalized
Redeeming a Team Beachbody
eGift Card
1. How do I use my eGift Card?
Simply browse and select the item you'd like to purchase from, and check out as you normally would. When
selecting your payment method, select eGift Card. When prompted, enter
the redemption code identified on your eGift Card.
If the item(s) you'd like to purchase exceed the balance on your eGift
Card, you'll be asked to provide a valid credit card to cover the remaining
balance. If the item(s) you select cost less than the balance on your eGift
Card, the balance remaining after your purchase will be stored on your
eGift Card and available for future purchases.
2. I'm having trouble placing an order with my eGift Card. What should I

If you're placing an order and there aren't enough funds on your
eGift Card, you'll be asked to add another valid form of payment to cover
your balance. You'll be able to view each individual charge when 4
you check out.
If you're having a problem using your eGift Card for any reason,
call our friendly Customer Service staff toll-free at 1 (800) 997-5602.
3. Are there any restrictions for using an eGift Card?
Yes. Please read the eGift Card Terms and Conditions for a full list of
restrictions. Among other restrictions, please note that if you purchase an
eGift Card on, you will not be allowed to purchase
any products that are sold on To purchase items sold on, please purchase a Beachbody eGift Card on the Web site.
4. What happens to the unused portion of my eGift Card balance?

balance remaining on your eGift Card will always be available so you can
use it on future purchases. There's no time limit to worry about—your
Team Beachbody eGift Cards never expire.

5. What happens if my purchase amount is greater than the balance on
my eGift Card?
When you purchase products on that exceed the
balance on your eGift Card, you'll be prompted to enter a valid credit card
to pay for the remaining balance that your eGift Card doesn't cover.

6. What do I do if my eGift Card is lost or stolen?
If your eGift Card has been lost or stolen, try reprinting it (provided
you bookmarked it in your browser) OR click on the link in the
original email.
To report a lost or stolen eGift Card, call us toll free at 1 (800) 997-5602.
A replacement eGift Card may be issued, subject to the eGift Card Terms
and Conditions.

7. How do I check my eGift Card balance?
It's easy to view the balance on your eGift Card. Simply enter your eGift
Card number into the form on the right side of the
screen to check the
remaining balance

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Finding your fitness, what aspect of training will benefit you most

While training and or racing I think  about the most important components of racing. Is it endurance? Speed and power? Nutrition? Technique and skill? Mental toughness? The reality is that they all are important. Any given one can be the weak link that ruins your performance.

First and foremost, you need endurance to be able to cover the distance. It's not necessary to complete the distance before the race or event, but it is important to do 50 to 75 percent before race day. Most marathoners run 18 to 20 miles as their long run to get ready for a marathon. The important thing is that you get substantial training time under your belt.

Speed and power also are required to go fast or just get to the finish line. You may need more power just to be able to make it over some of the tougher climbs. The offseason, when it's cold outside, is a great time to focus on building power through strength training. I offer FREE strength training advice when you sign up for a free account here

Nutrition is important to achieve optimal body composition, fuel, recover from workouts, and most importantly, power you through races. Race nutrition can be especially tricky during long races since eating too much can be as much of a problem as eating too little. Get nutrition right and you are almost guaranteed to make it to the finish line. Get it wrong and no matter how fit you are, you might be staring at a DNF (did not finish.). Contact GOTRIbal expert coach Cindy Dallow, Ph.D, RD with nutrition questions.

Technique also cannot be underrated. When most people think of technique in regards to endurance sports, they usually think of swimming. But swimming isn't the only sport where you can benefit from strong technique. Running, rowing and mountain biking can all require high levels of technique and practice. Good form will lead to better speed and efficiency.

The last component is mental toughness. The central governor's theory includes the idea that the brain regulates your energy supply and that when your brain feels you are in danger of running low, it signals pain and tells your body to stop. Part of successful racing is visualizing how you are going to deal with the inevitability of pain. Knowing that you can push through it will help you manage these negative feelings.

You might be asking where one finds the time to work on everything. You should periodize your workouts and work on different aspects of training at different times of the year.

You can maintain endurance throughout the year by conducting one two-hour or longer workout a week.

In addition to strength training in the offseason, use that time to focus on body composition. It's likely you'll be doing less intensity so you can afford to eat less and lose weight. This also is a good time to focus on technique. Drill-based workouts don't require the level of energy that more difficult workouts require.

It can be overwhelming to prepare for endurance events. The best thing you can do is start to plan now, develope a base and go from there.

Wendy Mader

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

How to Choose Your first Ironman Event

During my 19 years of training for triathlons, I have done 13 Ironman events. My first was Kona in 1997. In 2000 I raced Ironman Canada; in 2001 I raced 5430 Sports Iron-Distance in Boulder; 2002 IM Lake Placid; 2003 Kona; 2007 Ironman Arizona and Kona; 2008 IM Coeur d'Alene/Kona; 2009 Kona/Arizona: 2010 Kona; 2011 IM Lake Placid.
My goal each year was always to qualify for Kona. I did not have a coach to tell me how to pick a race, or train for one, for that matter. My basis for choosing an event was to travel with my friends because they were also going there to race. Ironman Canada and Lake Placid are two courses that favor my weakest discipline, biking. The 5430 Sports event was held in Boulder, and I could not pass up a local full-distance race. Arizona is an “easy” flat run and bike course, not a destination. IM Coeur d'Alene is one my favorites, a destination and great course, but preparing for an IM in late June requires me to train hard at a time of year when that is not easy to do, based on my schedule.

As a coach and athlete, I have learned that everyone’s reasons for doing an Ironman vary, and which Ironman to do depends four key factors:

1. The time of year of the event (taking into account work and family schedules)
2. Destination/travel (if that is the primary motivator)
3. Your strengths and weaknesses (the difficulty of the run/bike courses)
4. Are you set on doing a WTC Ironman event, or will an Iron-distance race be good enough?

1. When is the event?
When choosing an Ironman, remember that the bulk of your training will start 12 weeks out from your race. If you pick an early springtime event such at Ironman St George or IM Coeur d'Alene, then your high-volume training will be in March and April. Living in Colorado, I prefer not to train much in the cooler outdoor temperatures, and March is typically our snowiest month. I also work more in late winter/early spring, coaching a high school swim team. That includes frequent travel to swim meets on the weekend, a schedule that makes it more difficult for me to prepare than it is during the summer months. Avoiding earlier races also keeps my season shorter, especially for the years where I am working toward performing well in Kona.
If you are a stay at home mother or father with kids in school, a springtime Ironman event may be perfect for you because you can train while your kids are in school. During the summer, when they are out of school, it may be more challenging for you to find the time to train.

If you pick a late fall Ironman like IM Cozumel or Arizona, the bulk of your training will be during the months of August and September, which may be a good time to train if you have kids who have gone back to school. It may not be an ideal time if you live in a place that has variable fall weather conditions.

Another thing to keep in mind, in part because of some of the factors just mentioned: early spring and late fall ironman do not sell out as quickly as destination Ironman events, so you may be able to get a spot in those races without having to commit so far in advance.

2. Are you picking a race locale because it is a destination you and your family want to visit?

If your goal/purpose for competing in an Ironman is to travel to an exotic location, then time of year does not matter as much. You will most likely have to register a year in advance, because destination Ironman races tend to sell out quickly. WTC hosts Ironman events all over the world, and a complete schedule of race locations can be found at

3. What is your strongest discipline?
Your strength – cycling or running – may factor into which course you choose. Hilly bike courses cater to the cyclist, such as Ironman Lake Placid, St George, Coeur d'Alene, Canada. If you are a strong runner, consider picking a race that has a flat bike course.

4. Is Iron distance enough, or does it have to be Ironman?
WTC owns the Ironman name and brand, and the cost to enter an Ironman event is more than $600. There are companies that have Iron-distance events that are less expensive and will not fill up. The HITS series is new in 2012, and the Great Floridian, Vineman and other options offer great venues, support and experiences for spectators and race participants alike. If you are not dead-set on racing an Ironman, these events are worth looking into.

Whatever Ironman you decide to train for as a newbie, make sure you have prior triathlon racing experience (Olympic or Half Iron distance), and give yourself at least six months to focus on the event. Seek training and nutrition advice from a qualified coach, and follow a slow, steady progression. Enjoy the training experience leading up to race day; and be sure to keep in mind, since this is your first one, that your primary goal should be to finish with a smile.

Swim "catch" and "pull"

Great article visualize explaining the freestyle catch and pull.

Me swimming out of water view

Me swimming under water view

Drills to help create an efficient catch and pull

Fist drill hand entry high elbow catch before you pull

Head out of water drill focus on angled hand entry not reaching and flattening

Thumbslide and Fingertip drag, leading with your elbow pointed up

Wendy Mader, Colorado Women of Influence member 2011
GOTRIbal Expert Swim Coach
Rocky Mountain High School Swim Coach
NoCo High School Tri Team Coach
Pelican Fest Tri Race Director
Team Timex/Newton/Powerbar athlete

Sunday, October 30, 2011


I bet you thought something scary was going to happen :)


It's a nutritional protein shake that provides a wide spectrum of healthy nutrients in a low-calorie formula. Shakeology is an effective way to help you lose weight, increase your energy and be the healthiest you can possibly be --- Here is a little more information about Shakeology...



Want to take part in a 5 person exclusive Shakeology Test Group?

This group will be exclusive to 5 people!! You will get exclusive feedback and support through this group!! Due to the amount of time invested in your success I will only include 5

All members:
1. Have an account with me
2. Will fill out the dashboard on their personal BeachBody site
3. Will take before and after photos and measurements
4. Will express their goal on this secret page.
5. Will express why they wanted to be part of the challenge
6. Will drink Shakeology everyday for 60-90 days
6. Optional entry into the BeachBody $100000 grand prize

30 day Holiday Challenge Post Turkey Pre New Year Resolution

This blog is to give you the official details of the 30 Day t2coaching Challenge.

I became a Team Beachbody Coach to help people reach whatever health and fitness goals they may have for themselves. I am here today ready to commit to you and to help you reach your goals if you are ready to commit to me.

I'm starting a 30-Day Challenge on November 30 for those who are ready for a change.

Research has shown that the people most successful in obtaining their health and fitness goals do these three things:

Workout at home Have an accountability group or partner, and Eat breakfast

So, here's how the 30-Day Challenge will work:

I will be creating a Challenge group of the first 5 people that respond to this email. Before you jump up and down and declare that you want to be part of this group, I want to be sure that you read these requirements. I will be giving you personal time on a daily basis so I have to know that you are as committed to your success as I am committed to you.

1) You may choose a BeachBody workout program or choose your own workout Beachbody program for your workout. If you need help determining which one is best suited for you, I would love to help you figure that out. If you already have one that has been gathering dust on your bookshelf, we can start with that one.

2) You must sign up for a FREE BeachBody account Team Beachbody Club member. The Team Beachbody Club will provide each of you the opportunity to customize your own meal plan, print out a grocery list, and take it to the grocery store. The club nutrtion guide and Shakeology will truly simplify your nutrition.

3) You will participate daily in our private Facebook page, letting the group know how your workout was for the day, how your nutrition is, and just how you are feeling. I will be on the page as well to help encourage, motivate and answer questions you might have.

Email me if you have more questions

Pumpkin Spice Shakeology

Put a little Halloween cheer in your Shakeology this season. In addition to all the amazing ingredients in Shakeology itself, you'll also get the nutritional benefits of pumpkin, which contains lutein, fiber, and alpha and beta carotene. Plus the healthy polyphenols in cinnamon help regulate blood sugar levels. You'll get all the taste of pumpkin pie . . . without turning your butt into a pumpkin.

1 scoop chocolate Shakeology
1 cup regular or vanilla rice, soy, or almond milk, or low-fat cow's milk
1/2 cup unsweetened canned pumpkin
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tsp. nutmeg
Ice (to taste; optional)
Combine all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth. You can substitute pumpkin pie spice for the cinnamon and nutmeg, or add more pumpkin for a thicker shake. Makes 1 serving.

Preparation Time: 5 minutes

Nutritional Information (per serving):

Calories Protein Fiber Carbs Fat Total Saturated Fat
284 27 grams 7 grams 40 grams 3.5 grams 2 grams
If you'd like to ask a question about Shakeology just email me at